Wonders of Lahemaa: A Journey Through Viru Bog Trail

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Hommikul säras päike üle Lahemaa rahvuspargi. En: In the morning, the sun shone over Lahemaa National Park. Et: Katrin ja Mikko tulid autoga. En: Katrin and Mikko arrived by car. Et: Nad tahtsid avastada Viru raba rada. En: They wanted to explore the Viru bog trail. Et:…

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Unearthing Secrets: Picnic Adventure on Table Mountain

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op ‘n helder somersdag, met die son wat hoog aan die hemel skyn, besluit Annelise en Johan om ‘n piekniek op Tafelberg te hou. En: On a bright summer day, with the sun shining high in the sky, Annelise and Johan decide to have a picnic on…

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Bread and Love: A Baker’s Tale by Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V jutru, ko sonce poljubi jezero Bled, sta Ana in Matej odprla svojo pekarno “Kruh in ljubezen”. En: On the morning when the sun kissed Lake Bled, Ana and Matej opened their bakery “Bread and Love.” Sl: Pekarna je stala le streljaj od obale, z razgledom na…

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Montmartre Adventures: A Tale of Friendship and Resilience

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: À Montmartre, un quartier pittoresque de Paris, les rues sont étroites et pavées. En: In Montmartre, a picturesque neighborhood in Paris, the streets are narrow and cobbled. Fr: Marie, Philippe et Élise sont des amis inséparables. En: Marie, Philippe, and Élise are inseparable friends. Fr: Ils aiment…

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Unveiling the Ghosts: A Haunted Quest at Bran Castle

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Castelul Bran se înălța majestuos pe un deal, iar norii negri se adunau deasupra lui. En: Bran Castle rose majestically on a hill, and black clouds gathered above it. Ro: Andrei, Elena și Mihai văzuseră multe filme de groază și erau fascinați de povestirile despre spiritele care…

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Safari Mystery: Unforgettable Encounter Under African Stars

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het pas agter die horison verdwyn. En: The sun has just disappeared behind the horizon. Af: Johan en Annelie sit stil in die oop veldwa van die nagritte in die Krugerwildtuin. En: Johan and Annelie sit quietly in the open safari truck during the night…

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From Village to Market: The Heartwarming Journey of Artis’s Jam

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgū smaržo pēc svaigiem dārzeņiem un ziediem. En: The Riga Central Market smells of fresh vegetables and flowers. Lv: Cilvēki šur tur aktīvi iepērkas. En: People are busily shopping here and there. Lv: Artis stāv pie sava stendiņa. En: Artis is standing by his stall. Lv:…

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Skyward Adventures in Green Energy: A Day with Flying Bicycles

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Midt i Nyhavn, hvor farverige huse og smukke både pryder kanalen, begyndte en ny dag. En: In the middle of Nyhavn, where colorful houses and beautiful boats adorned the canal, a new day began. Da: Freja, Lars og Emma var klar til at tage på arbejde. Men…

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Rainy Day Tour: Uncovering Old Town’s Hidden Gems

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Pršelo. En: It was raining. Cs: Mokré kameny na Staroměstském náměstí leskly se ve světle pouličních lamp. En: The wet stones on the Old Town Square glistened in the light of the street lamps. Cs: Jakub a Petra stáli pod malým přístřeškem. En: Jakub and Petra stood…

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Drama and Delicacies: An Unforgettable Day at West Lake

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个阳光明媚的早晨,小明、丽丽和华强决定去杭州西湖游玩。 En: On a sunny morning, Xiao Ming, Li Li, and Hua Qiang decided to visit West Lake in Hangzhou. Zh: 西湖是一个非常漂亮的地方,有美丽的花朵,清澈的湖水,还有许多小船。 En: West Lake is a very beautiful place, with lovely flowers, clear lake water, and many small boats. Zh: 三个人都很兴奋。 En: All three…

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