A Lifesaving Day in Jūrmala: Friendship Tested Under the Sun

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Saulains rīts Jūrmalas pludmalē. En: A sunny morning at the beach in Jūrmala. Lv: Jānis, Ilze un Māris nolēma pavadīt dienu pie jūras. En: Jānis, Ilze, and Māris decided to spend the day by the sea. Lv: Viņi visi mīlēja sauli un smiltis. En: They all loved…

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Spring in Kraków: Agnieszka’s Market Square Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Kraków wiosną to miejsce pełne magii. En: Kraków in the spring is a place full of magic. Pl: Kolorowe kamienice i brukowane uliczki przyciągają turystów. En: Colorful tenement houses and cobbled streets attract tourists. Pl: W samym sercu miasta znajduje się Rynek Główny. En: In the very…

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Crisis at the Gelateria: Saving the Day with Teamwork

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Luca era in piedi davanti alla gelateria di famiglia, “Gelateria Dolce Vita.” En: Luca stood in front of the family ice cream shop, “Gelateria Dolce Vita.” It: Piazza Navona era piena di turisti. En: Piazza Navona was full of tourists. It: L’aria era calda e il sole…

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A Day of Adventure: Exploring Torres del Paine’s Hidden Gems

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba intensamente en el cielo azul. En: The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. Es: Sofía, Luis e Isabella estaban en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine. En: Sofía, Luis, and Isabella were at the Torres del Paine National Park. Es: Ellos querían…

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Dimitris’s Athens Adventure: Surviving Plaka’s Sizzling Streets

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Ημέρα ζεστή στο Πλάκα. En: A hot day in Plaka. El: Ο Δημήτρης περπατούσε στα αρχαία σοκάκια. En: Dimitris was walking through the ancient alleys. El: Ο ήλιος ήταν δυνατός. En: The sun was strong. El: Ο Δημήτρης φορούσε ένα καπέλο, αλλά ιδρώτας τον πλημμύριζε. En: Dimitris…

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Trapped in Neuschwanstein: A Snowstorm Treasure Adventure

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Der Winter war kalt und schneidend, doch an diesem Tag war der Himmel blau und klar. En: The winter was cold and biting, but on this day, the sky was blue and clear. De: Hans, Marta und Lukas standen vor dem prächtigen Schloss Neuschwanstein. En: Hans, Marta,…

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Market Adventures in Vilnius: Fresh Finds & Old Friends

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulėtą šeštadienio rytą Mindaugas ir Eglė vaikščiojo Vilniaus miesto turguje. En: On a sunny Saturday morning, Mindaugas and Eglė were strolling through the market in Vilnius. Lt: Oras buvo šiltas, o žmonės šypsojosi ir kalbėjosi. En: The weather was warm, and people were smiling and chatting. Lt:…

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Frederik’s Mystical Map: Unraveling Nyhavn’s Hidden Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Nyhavn var fuld af liv. En: Nyhavn was full of life. Da: Solen skinnede. En: The sun was shining. Da: Frederik gik langs havnen. En: Frederik walked along the harbor. Da: Han nød den friske luft. En: He enjoyed the fresh air. Da: Men noget var galt.…

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Ingrid’s Mishap on the Trail: A Journey of Resilience

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Det var en lys morgen i mai. En: It was a bright morning in May. Nb: Solen skinte over fjorden og fjellene. En: The sun shone over the fjord and the mountains. Nb: Nils og Ingrid var på vei til Preikestolen. En: Nils and Ingrid were on…

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Unveiling Amer Fort’s Hidden Treasures: A Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: समृद्ध इतिहास और रहस्यमय कहानियाँ, आमेर किले में बसी थीं। En: The prosperous history and mysterious tales were embedded in Amer Fort. Hi: एक दिन, राज, प्रिया और अंजलि ने तय किया कि वे आमेर किला देखेंगे। En: One day, Raj, Priya, and Anjali decided to visit…

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