Revitalizing Dubrovnik: Tech Enthusiasts’ Impact

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U srcu staroga grada Dubrovnika, tehnološki svijet susreo je povijest. En: In the heart of the old town of Dubrovnik, the world of technology met history. Hr: Ivan, Ana i Luka su bili mladi entuzijasti. En: Ivan, Ana, and Luka were young enthusiasts. Hr: Njihova misija je…

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Exam Triumphs and Timeless Cafés: A Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Ayşe ve Zeynep o sabah erkenden uyandı. En: Ayşe and Zeynep woke up early that morning. Tr: Hava sıcaktı, güneş parlaktı. En: The weather was warm, and the sun was bright. Tr: İkisi de okulun sınav dönemine girmişti. En: Both had entered the exam period at school.…

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Unveiling the Storm’s Secret at Giant’s Causeway

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Nuair a bhí an stoirm ag greadadh ar an Clochán na bhFómharach, scéal uafásach thosaigh ag nochtadh faoin spéir scamallach agus farraige fíochmhar. En: When the storm was lashing at the Giant’s Causeway, a dreadful tale began to unfold under the cloudy sky and fierce sea. Ga:…

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Unveiling De Haar: Sophie’s Discovery of Hidden Treasures

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een zonnige dag in de lente. En: It was a sunny day in spring. Nl: Sophie wandelde door de tuinen van Kasteel De Haar. En: Sophie was walking through the gardens of De Haar Castle. Nl: De bloemen stonden in bloei en de vogels zongen…

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Reunited at Rila: A Family’s Timeless Journey

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Рила. Магията на планината. En: Rila. The Magic of the Mountain. Bg: Иван пристигна пред манастира. En: Ivan arrived in front of the monastery. Bg: Въздухът беше свеж и чист. En: The air was fresh and clean. Bg: Той погледна нагоре. En: He looked up. Bg: Стори…

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Storm Secrets in Arashiyama: A Tale of Friendship and Survival

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 嵐山の竹林は美しい場所です。 En: The bamboo forest of Arashiyama is a beautiful place. Ja: 竹が高く伸び、風が吹くと風鈴のような音がします。 En: The bamboo stretches high, and when the wind blows, it makes a sound like wind chimes. Ja: ある日、春樹、結菜、そして健太が嵐山竹林を訪れました。 En: One day, Haruki, Yuna, and Kenta visited the Arashiyama bamboo forest. Ja: 天気は晴れで、3人は笑いながら歩いていました。 En:…

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Adventurous Field Trip: Discover Snowdonia’s Hidden Wildlife

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd y bore yn oer a chlyd, a’r awel yn chwythu’n dyner dros y caeau gwyrddlas yn Eryri. En: The morning was cold and cozy, with the breeze gently blowing over the verdant fields in Snowdonia. Cy: Yn y canol, ymunodd tri myfyriwr â’r darlithydd euog i…

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Unexpected Heroes: Bonds Formed at a Quaint Lake Bus Stop

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A Balaton partján, ahol a levegő tele van frissességgel, történt valami különös egy szép nyári napon. En: On the shore of Lake Balaton, where the air is filled with freshness, something unusual happened on a beautiful summer day. Hu: Balatonfüreden volt, ahol Eszter minden reggel a buszmegállóban…

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Reviving Love: The Bookstore Bringing Knez Mihailova to Life

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Zvuk crkvenih zvona ispunjavali su vazduh na Knez Mihailovoj ulici. En: The sound of church bells filled the air on Knez Mihailova Street. Sr: Miloš i Jelena stajali su pred svojom malom knjižarom. En: Miloš and Jelena stood in front of their small bookstore. Sr: Stara zgrada…

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Rekindling Friendships: Unexpected Reunions at Carmel Market

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: ביום שלישי חם בשוק הכרמל בתל אביב, השמש זרחה חזק על הדוכנים, והאויר היה מלא בריח של פירות טריים, ירקות, ותבלינים. En: On a hot Tuesday at the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv, the sun shone brightly on the stalls, and the air was filled with the…

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