Sunshine, Strawberries, and a Close Call: A Day in Nyhavn

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Nyhavn var fyldt med folk den solrige eftermiddag. En: Nyhavn was filled with people on that sunny afternoon. Da: Anna og Lars nød deres kaffe på en hyggelig café ved havnen. En: Anna and Lars enjoyed their coffee at a cozy café by the harbor. Da: De…

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Crisis in Kraków: A Tale of Friendship and Survival

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W piękne, słoneczne popołudnie, Agnieszka, Marek i Krzysztof spacerowali po Rynku Głównym w Krakowie. En: On a beautiful, sunny afternoon, Agnieszka, Marek, and Krzysztof were walking around the Main Square in Kraków. Pl: Stare Miasto tętniło życiem. En: The Old Town was bustling with life. Pl: Turyści…

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Exploring Borobudur: A Family’s Journey into Cultural Heritage

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di sebuah pagi yang cerah, aroma pepohonan dan udara segar merayap di sekitar Candi Borobudur. En: On a bright morning, the scent of trees and fresh air enveloped the area around Borobudur Temple. Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Siti berdiri kagum di depan candi megah itu. En: Ayu,…

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A Sky-High Adventure: Élodie’s Futuristic Journey in Flying Paris

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans le futur de Paris, les voitures volantes brillent dans le ciel bleu. En: In the future of Paris, flying cars shine in the blue sky. Fr: Élodie, une jeune femme curieuse, adore les nouvelles technologies. En: Élodie, a curious young woman, loves new technologies. Fr: Elle…

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Shabbat Magic: Journey Through Tel Aviv’s Carmel Market

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בשוק הכרמל בתל אביב הייתה אווירה מיוחדת. En: In the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv, there was a special atmosphere. He: היה יום שישי ואנשים ממהרים לקנות מוצרים לשבת. En: It was Friday, and people were hurrying to buy groceries for Shabbat. He: יעל, אלי ונועה הגיעו…

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Unlocking Bran Castle: Friends Unveil Hidden Treasures

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o zi ploioasă de toamnă, Ana, Vlad și Iulia vizitau Castelul Bran. En: On a rainy autumn day, Ana, Vlad, and Iulia were visiting Bran Castle. Ro: Cărămizile vechi și vântul care șuiera le dădeau fiori pe șira spinării. En: The old bricks and the howling wind…

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Exploring Geirangerfjord: A Magical Day Among Nature’s Wonders

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Geirangerfjorden strålte i morgensolen. En: The Geirangerfjord shone in the morning sun. Nb: Fjorden var klar og blå. En: The fjord was clear and blue. Nb: Ole, Ingrid og Kari var på vei til båtturen. En: Ole, Ingrid, and Kari were on their way to the boat…

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Tallinn: A Field Trip Through Time

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Päikesekiired piilusid üle vanalinna punaste katuste, kui Maarika ja tema klass astusid mööda käänulisi munakivitänavaid. En: The sun’s rays peeked over the red rooftops of the old town as Maarika and her class walked along the winding cobblestone streets. Et: See oli eriline päev. En: It was…

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Mystery at Neuschwanstein: Decoding the Stolen Painting

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Eine sanfte Morgenbrise wehte durch die Hallen von Schloss Neuschwanstein. En: A gentle morning breeze wafted through the halls of Neuschwanstein Castle. De: Die Sonne strahlte durch die bunten Glasfenster und tauchte die Wände in farbenfrohes Licht. En: The sun beamed through the colorful stained glass windows,…

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Crafts, Dreams, and Family: A Madrid Market Miracle

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba fuerte en la Plaza Mayor de Madrid. En: The sun shone brightly in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid. Es: Lucía y Diego habían montado un puesto colorido lleno de artesanías. En: Lucía and Diego had set up a colorful stand filled with crafts. Es:…

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