Etiquette and Friendship: A Lesson Learned in Shinjuku

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: ストーリーは東京、その名も新宿、その活気ある街の中心にある小さな静かな通りにある古風な家で始まります。太陽は夕焼けの輝きを軒先に注ぎ、ハルト、ユイ、ソラの3人の友人はこの伝統的な家の前に立っていました。 En: The story begins in a quaint old house on a quiet street in the vibrant heart of Shinjuku, Tokyo. The sun was casting its golden glow over the eaves, as three friends – Haruto, Yui, and Sora – stood in front of this traditional dwelling.…

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Lost in Budapest: A Journey of Discovery and Self-Realization

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Gergő az öreg Margit híd alatt sétált, a budapesti reggel hullámos, csillogó fényében. En: Gergő was walking under the old Margit Bridge, in the wavy, shimmering light of the Budapest morning. Hu: Budapest szívében összecsapódó utcák kavargása, az ódon épületek között vegyülő idő lappangott a levegőben. En:…

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The Colorful Masquerade: A Malanka Celebration in Lviv

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: У Львові завжди своєрідно святкують Маланку. En: In Lviv, Malanka is always celebrated uniquely. Uk: Чому ще б наш кольоровий, шумний та життєрадісний місто не мало власну традицію? En: Why wouldn’t our colorful, lively, and cheerful city have its own tradition? Uk: Ось таку історію я хотів…

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The Bunad Dress Party: A Celebration of Culture in Bergen

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Det var fest i Bergen. En: There was a party in Bergen. Nb: Byen var full av glede og samhold. En: The city was full of joy and unity. Nb: Alle hadde dratt til bunadskjolefesten. En: Everyone had gathered for the bunad dress party. Nb: Blant gjestene…

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The Danish Tongue Twister Triumph in Copenhagen

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars kiggede på Freja. En: Lars looked at Freja. Da: De sad i København, midt på Strøget. En: They were sitting in Copenhagen, right in the middle of Strøget. Da: Det var sommer. En: It was summer. Da: Mennesker lavede sommermennesketing. En: People were doing summer-y things.…

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Lost in Translation: A Heartwarming Tale of Cultural Exchange

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona, amb la seva màgia i encant, bullia d’activitat. En: The city of Barcelona, with its magic and charm, was bustling with activity. Ca: Martí, Laia i Sergi s’asseien al Passeig de Gràcia, gaudint d’una gelada orxata en una tarda calorosa d’estiu. En: Martí,…

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Spaghetti Serendipity: An Evening of Laughs in Rome

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore di Roma, tra le strade antiche e inebrianti del centro storico, risiedevano tre amici inseparabili – Alessandro, Sofia e Luca. En: In the heart of Rome, among the ancient and intoxicating streets of the historic center, resided three inseparable friends – Alessandro, Sofia, and Luca.…

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Croissant Quest: A Tale of Language, Laughter, and Parisian Delights

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans la belle ville de Paris, sous un ciel d’azur, vivait une jeune fille nommée Camille. En: In the beautiful city of Paris, under a sky of azure, lived a young girl named Camille. Fr: Son meilleur ami, Antoine, venait aussi de cette ville magique. En: Her…

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A Birthday Picnic to Remember: A Heartwarming Tale of Friendship in Berlin

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Eines Tages, in der lebendigen Stadt Berlin, gab es drei Freunde: Anna, Lars und Sophia. En: One day, in the lively city of Berlin, there were three friends: Anna, Lars, and Sophia. De: Alle drei wollten den Geburtstag von Sophia im Stadtpark feiern. En: All three wanted…

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Dancing Through Stumbles: A Flamenco Trio’s Tale

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Una manta de estrellas se desplegaba sobre el cielo de Madrid, mientras la luna se erguía presidiendo la noche. En: A blanket of stars unfolded across the sky of Madrid, while the moon rose up overseeing the night. Es: En un barrio antiguo y pintoresco, sonaba el…

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