Ostrich Parade: An Unexpected Urban Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op ‘n sonnige oggend in Kaapstad, met die Tafelberg wat saggies in die verte loer, sit Johan doodstil in sy motor. En: On a sunny morning in Cape Town, with Table Mountain peeking softly in the distance, Johan sits completely still in his car. Af: Hy was…

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Mishap at the Music Fest: A Tale of Empathy

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Šviesūs vasaros saulės spinduliai linksmai šokinėjo po senamiesčio plytines gatveles. En: The bright summer sunbeams cheerfully danced beneath the cobblestone streets of the old town. Lt: Vilniaus Senamiestyje vyko muzikos festivalis, kuris atgaivino kiekvieną gatvelę ir aikštę. En: A music festival was happening in the Old Town…

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Fishy Mistake at Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Bilo je toplo poletno popoldne in Ana ter Luka sta se odločila, da preživita dan ob Blejskem jezeru. En: It was a warm summer afternoon, and Ana and Luka decided to spend the day by Lake Bled. Sl: Blejsko jezero je bilo znan po svoji smaragdni vodi…

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History Meets Humor in Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Ana je hodala savršenim stazama Kalemegdana, gledajući kroz zelenilo parka kome je proleće udahnulo novi život. En: Ana walked along the perfect paths of Kalemegdan, looking through the greenery of the park where spring had breathed new life. Sr: Dani su postajali sve topliji, a ona je…

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Cabbage Capers: Misadventures at Riga Market

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas sirds pukst stipri ik rītu. En: The heart of Riga beats strongly every morning. Lv: Tā ir tirgus sirdspuksti – cilvēku balsis, soļu troksnis, un īstu Latvijas dārzeņu smarža. En: It is the heartbeat of the market – the voices of people, the sound of footsteps,…

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Laughter Amongst the Cabbages!

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Завладяващият шум и пестрите цветове на Централния софийски пазар изпълваха сутринта с енергия. En: The captivating noise and vibrant colors of the Central Sofia Market filled the morning with energy. Bg: Тук, сергиите бяха препълнени с различни стоки, а продавачите търгуваха с весел глас. En: Here, the…

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The Cactus and the Hedgehog: A Bratislava Tale

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Bolo príjemné slnečné ráno, keď sa Marek rozhodol navštíviť staré mesto Bratislavy. En: It was a pleasant sunny morning when Marek decided to visit the old town of Bratislava. Sk: Rozhodol sa, že potrebuje nový kaktus do svojho bytu, a tak zamieril do Pavlovho botanického obchodu, ktorý…

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The Vending Machine’s Whisper: A Tale of Everyday Inspiration

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 그녀의 이름은 지혜였다. 서울, 한 넓은 도시의 한복판에서 살아가는 이들 가운데 하나로, 현대 전자신문원의 여자기자로 일하며 어려서부터 꿈꿔왔던 글쓰기에 날마다 몰두하고 있었다. 취재 일정으로 밤늦게까지 사무실에 남아있던 그녀는 배고픔에 참지 못해 사무실 근처 편의점으로 향했다. En: Her name was Ji-hye. Living in the heart of Seoul, a…

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The Noodle Shop Revelation: A Life-Altering Encounter in Beijing’s Hidden Alleyways

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在贝京,一条深深的胡同里,有人在这样的一天失路了。那是张伟,一个十分平凡的上班族,因为一次冒险的走动,他迷失在了这迷宫般的胡同中。 En: In Beijing, in a deep alley, someone lost their way on such a day. It was Zhang Wei, a very ordinary office worker, who got lost in the maze-like alley because of a risky venture. Zh: 太阳以斜晖躲入屋檐的影中,张伟带着微微冰凉的手,看着前方错综复杂的胡同。各种耳熟能详的市井声音此起彼伏,饥肠辘辘的他,只能望着前方,无助地点头。 En: As the sun hid in…

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Lost in Translation: Miriam’s Magical Encounter at the Tel Aviv Train Station

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: תחנת הרכבת של תל אביב לא מכירה הפסקה, רושם, אנשים מתאספים ונפזרים, מבולבלים בעולם החדש בו הגיעו. En: The train station in Tel Aviv doesn’t have a break, registers, people gather and disperse, confused by the new world they have arrived in. He: במרחב הזה התייצבה מרים,…

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