Melon Confusion at Sofia Market!

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: На един слънчев ден в София, пазарът беше пълен с хора, които си купуваха пресни плодове и зеленчуци. En: On a sunny day in Sofia, the market was full of people buying fresh fruits and vegetables. Bg: Иван и Мария, младо семейство, бяха излезли на разходка и…

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Reunion Melody: The Heart of Old Town

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Jedného krásneho jarného dňa sa Jana vybrala na prechádzku do Starého mesta Bratislavy. En: One beautiful spring day, Jana set out for a walk to the Old Town of Bratislava. Sk: Povestným srdcom hlavného mesta bolo miesto plné farieb, zvukov a životných príbehov. En: The historic heart…

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Swans’ Surprise: A Magical Mishap

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč je bil čaroben dan ob Blejskem jezeru. En: Once upon a time, there was a magical day by Lake Bled. Sl: Sonce se je smejalo v nebo in ob jezeru so bili trije prijatelji: Maja, Ana in Borut. En: The sun was grinning in the sky…

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Statue Stir: A Comical Encounter in Vilnius

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus senamiesčio širdyje, saulėtam pavasario rytui budint miestą, Marius su drauge Gabija lėtai vaikščiojo akmenimis grįstomis gatvėmis. En: In the heart of the old town of Vilnius, as the sunny spring morning awoke the city, Marius and his friend Gabija strolled slowly through the cobblestone streets. Lt:…

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Hat Swap Hilarity at the Karoo Bazaar

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op ‘n sonnige middag in die hart van Die Karoo, waar die lug helderblou is en die grond droog en dor, was daar ‘n gesellige gewoel. En: On a sunny afternoon in the heart of the Karoo, where the sky is bright blue and the ground dry…

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Budi’s Spicy Surprise: A Market Misadventure

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di sisi timur kota, terbentang pasar tradisional yang selalu ramai. En: On the east side of the city, there lay a bustling traditional market. Id: Pasar itu dipenuhi dengan warna-warni keramaian dan aroma rempah yang memikat hati. En: The market was filled with a riot of colors…

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Sheep Quest: A Misstep on Mount Snowdon

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd hi’n fore hyfryd yn Eryri, lle mae awyr mor las fel lliw’r llyn, a’r mynyddoedd yn codi fel cestyll tywod enfawr. En: It was a lovely morning in Snowdonia, where the sky is as blue as the lake, and the mountains rise like huge sandcastles. Cy:…

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Melodies & Mishaps: A Kalemegdan Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bilo je to toplo prolećno popodne kada se Jovan odlučio prošetati Kalemegdanom. En: It was a warm spring afternoon when Jovan decided to take a walk in Kalemegdan. Sr: Šetajući pored visokih zidina, sa pogledom na ušće Save u Dunav, njegov pogled pade na uličnog muzičara. En:…

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Dubrovnik Dinner: A Recipe for Laughter

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U starom gradu Dubrovniku, tamo gdje zidovi pričaju priče, živjeli su Luka i Matea. En: In the old city of Dubrovnik, where the walls tell stories, Luka and Matea lived. Hr: Luka je bio vedar mladić sa suncem u kosi, a Matea je bila nježna djevojka sa…

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The Bran Castle Blunder: A Tale of Mirth

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: În inima munților Carpați, acolo unde legendele îmbrățișează realitatea, se înalță impunător Castelul Bran, o fortăreață învăluită în mister. En: In the heart of the Carpathian mountains, where legends embrace reality, stands the imposing Bran Castle, a fortress shrouded in mystery. Ro: Într-o zi însorită de primăvară,…

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