Archive for January 2024
Tokyo Runway: A Journey of Dreams and Self-Belief
Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 繁華街渋谷の中心地で、太陽が沈みかけ、ネオンライトが一斉に点滅を始める。その夜のスター、ハルトは落ち着いた心で深呼吸を繰り返した。彼の一日は予想外のプロジェクト、着物のファッションショーへの参加で、一変することとなった。 En: In the bustling streets of Shibuya, the heart of the city, the sun began to set and neon lights started to flicker in unison. Haruto, the star of the night, took a deep breath with a calm heart. His day took an unexpected turn as…
Read MoreLaughter, Language, and Friendship: Teaching Ukrainian to a Foreigner
Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: В кав’ярні “Зарвана борода” у центрі Львова, було незвично галасливо. En: In the café “Zarvana Boroda” in the center of Lviv, it was unusually noisy. Uk: Олександр, Катерина та Андрій збиралися тут зі своїм другом-іноземцем. En: Alexander, Katerina, and Andriy were gathering here with their foreign friend.…
Read MoreLa Tomatina: A Friendship Forged in Tomato Battle
Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Un sol abrasador estaba por sumergirse en el horizonte de Barcelona, la hermosa ciudad llena de encanto, colores y paella. En: A scorching sun was about to sink into the horizon of Barcelona, the beautiful city filled with charm, colors, and paella. Es: Viviendo bajo el embrujo…
Read MoreFire and Ice: A Spicy Reunion That Ignited Unforgettable Memories
Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Ádám, Eszter és Gergő régi barátok voltak, még az egységes gimnáziumi időkből. A viszontlátásra kedden volt időpontjuk a Városliget Caféban, amit mindannyian alig vártak. En: Adam, Eszter, and Gergő were old friends from their time in high school. They had scheduled a reunion at the Városliget Café,…
Read MoreA Stained Sunday: Lessons Learned in Piazza Navona
Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il cielo azzurro era un tappeto cremisi in mezzo al quale rifulgeva il pallido sole di quella domenica pomeriggio. En: The blue sky was a crimson carpet in the middle of which shone the pale sun of that Sunday afternoon. It: Mario, un uomo di mezza età…
Read MoreThe Amsterdammers: A Cyclist’s Tale
Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In het hart van Amsterdam, tussen de krioelende mensen, leefde Emma. En: In the heart of Amsterdam, among the bustling people, lived Emma. Nl: Emma had een vriend, Lucas. En: Emma had a friend, Lucas. Nl: Emma en Lucas waren heel verschillend, maar ze deelden één passie:…
Read MoreChopsticks Instead of a Spoon: A Tale of Mistakes and Laughter
Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 제목: 숟가락 대신 젓가락비가 내리는 서울 한복판, 작은 골목길을 따라 전통적인 한식당의 문을 툭툭 두드리는 소리가 들려왔다. En: Title: Chopsticks Instead of a Spoon In the midst of rainy Seoul, the sound of knocking on the door of a traditional Korean restaurant could be heard along a…
Read MoreLost and Found: A Day of Adventure and Friendship in Berlin
Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: In Berlin warteten Anna und David voller Vorfreude bei strahlendem Sonnenschein auf ihre Freundin Sophie. En: In Berlin, Anna and David were eagerly waiting for their friend Sophie, under the bright sunshine. De: Sophie hatte sich bereit erklärt, die beiden durch die aufregende Metropole zu führen. En:…
Read MoreA Perfect Day in Paris: Love, Laughter, and Fresh Bread
Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le soleil se levait sur Paris, faisant briller les pavés. En: The sun was rising over Paris, making the cobblestones shine. Fr: Derrière les bruits de la ville qui se réveille, on pouvait entendre le chuchotement de la Seine. En: Amidst the sounds of the city awakening,…
Read MoreThe Bun Eating Competition: A Day of Laughter and Triumph
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Lars, en ung mann med rødt hår og briller, bodde i Oslo. En: Lars, a young man with red hair and glasses, lived in Oslo. Nb: Oslo var en stor by med mange mennesker. En: Oslo was a big city with many people. Nb: Det var også…
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