Mistaken Identity at the Morning Eatery

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian www.FluentFiction.org/Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Pada suatu hari yang cerah di sebuah warung makan kecil di pinggir jalan, Budi sedang sibuk mengurus pelanggan yang lalu lalang. En: One bright day at a small eatery by the roadside, Budi was busy attending to the passing customers. Id: Warung milik Pak Hasan ini selalu…

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The Legend of Ivan: A Café Challenge in Lviv

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Все почалося з суворої зими. Львів був прикритий сніговою пеленою, а дерева ось завмерли, немов фантастичні скульптури з кришталю. В центрі цього крижаного королівства стояло маленьке, затишне кав’ярня, втоплене в яскраві ліхтарі. Важкі дубові двері кав’ярні розчинилися, і в затишну теплоту кав’ярні, ввірвався великий вітер. Це був…

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The Hummus Surprise: An Unexpected Adventure at an Italian Restaurant

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: “אברהם חיפש בפנקס התפריט שבפניו. מסיבו או אחרת, הוא הזמין חומוס במסעדה איטלקית מפוארת בלב תל אביב, ולא פחות מו גיבה המלצר.” En: Abraham searched through the menu in front of him. For one reason or another, he ordered hummus at a fancy Italian restaurant in the…

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Lost in Barcelona: An Unforgettable Journey of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: A sobre d’un dic de pedra, sota l’ombra refrescant d’un enorme plataner, s’hi assegut Jordi. Ell, al costat de les seves inseparables amistats, Marta i Carles, observaven la fervent activitat de la ciutat. Eren a Barcelona, un lloc tan ampli com divers. La ciutat bategava amb vida,…

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Laughter and Love: The Unforgettable Wedding Incident

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Το κέφι στη γωνία οδού Ερμού και Αγίας Μαρίνας, στην καρδιά της Αθήνας, ήταν ασταμάτητο. En: The joy on the corner of Ermou Street and Agia Marina, in the heart of Athens, was unstoppable. El: Ο Παναγιώτης και η Σοφία, το νεαρό ζευγάρι της ώρας, γύριζαν το…

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The Captivating Laughter: Turning Embarrassment into Resonance

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在北京一座巍峨的摩天大楼中,藏着一家名为”明华轩”的高级餐厅。朝阳洒下来,大楼的玻璃外墙熠熠生辉,刹那间变得熙攘繁华。吴伟,习惯在这享用午餐,一如他接下来要与之共进午餐的朋友李明。这天下午,他们的谈笑风生却引来了一阵惊愕的尴尬和爆笑。 En: In a towering skyscraper in Beijing, there is a high-end restaurant called “Minghuaxuan”. As the sun rises, the glass exterior of the building sparkles and instantly becomes bustling and vibrant. Wu Wei is accustomed to having lunch here, just like his friend Li…

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Lost in Translation: Hilarity Ensues on a Polish Culinary Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W tę piękną, słoneczną sobotę, Adam i Anna wpadli na genialny pomysł, by spędzić miły wieczór w jednej z wyśmienitych restauracji Warszawy. En: On this beautiful, sunny Saturday, Adam and Anna came up with a brilliant idea to spend a nice evening in one of Warsaw’s excellent…

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The Gourmet Hotdog: A Humorous Twist on Fine Dining

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars og Emma var skønne sommerdage i København. En: Lars and Emma were enjoying beautiful summer days in Copenhagen. Da: De vandrede rundt i de charmerende gader, smilende og nød hinandens selskab. En: They strolled through the charming streets, smiling and enjoying each other’s company. Da: Deres…

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Journey to Munich: Overcoming Fears, Strengthening Bonds

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: In der pulsierenden Stadt Berlin konnten sich die Menschen kaum von der Hektik des Alltags erholen. En: In the bustling city of Berlin, people could hardly recover from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. De: Aber drei Freunde, Anna, Max und Sophia, hatten andere Pläne. En:…

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Umbrella Exchange – A Rainy Romance in Budapest

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Gábor és Anna. En: Gábor and Anna. Hu: Budapest óriási szívében élnek, mindkettőjük szíve azonban vad ötleteket szül. En: They live in the heart of Budapest, but both of their hearts give birth to wild ideas. Hu: Hatalmas esőfelhőbe futottak össze egy hangos, zuhogó délutánon, esernyőjük felcserélése…

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