Coffee Stains & Laughter: A Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Bio jednom jedan veseli kafić u samom srcu grada, okružen bučnim ulicama i smijehom prolaznika. En: Once upon a time, there was a cheerful café in the heart of the city, surrounded by bustling streets and the laughter of passersby. Hr: U tom kafiću redovito se okupljao…

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Market Mishap: The Accidental BBQ

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op ‘n sonskyn Saterdagoggend besluit Pieter en Johanna om die welbekende Afrikaanse mark in hulle dorp te besoek. En: On a sunny Saturday morning, Pieter and Johanna decided to visit the well-known Afrikaans market in their town. Af: Die lug was gevul met die geure van vars…

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The Vibrant Market: Laughter, Garlic, and Camaraderie

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在北京市中心的热闹卫民路上,隐藏着一个充满活力与浓厚市民气息的传统市场。三月的早春,热烈如北京市民的热情洋溢,紧张又喧闹的市场纷争就在这样的环境下,一触即发。 En: On the lively Wei Min Road in the center of Beijing, there is a traditional market full of vitality and a strong sense of community. In early spring, as passionate as the people of Beijing, the bustling market disputes unfold in such an…

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The Ice Skating Legend: Perseverance on Thin Ice

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: I hjärtat av Stockholm var det kylig vintermorgon. Dimman hängde över den inbjudande isen på ett tjusigt sätt. Lars, en bekymrad herre till åren, och hans busige kollega Emil, bestämde sig för att utmana den glittrande isen med skridskor för första gången. En: In the heart of…

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Stains of Joy: A Hummus Mishap That Transformed Their Summer

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: על קאמייה של שושנה מונחת השמלה הלבנה החדשה. En: On a hot summer day, Shoshana’s new white dress was laid out on the camellia bush. He: מבחוץ, רעשי החלל של כיכר רבין בתל אביב או משייכים את שושנה אל המרכז העירוני התוסס. En: From the outside, the…

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The Bargain Hunter’s Triumph: Tales of Fresh Victory

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Just al cor de la vibrant ciutat de Barcelona, s’aixeca majestuosament el Mercat de la Boqueria. Allà mateix, amb les seves alegres fileres de paradetes repletes de frescos colors i aromes deliciosos, estava Joan. Joan era un home savi, que coneixia el valor de cada centim que…

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A Lunchbox Mix-Up: Laughter in the Park

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: В грудневий ранок Львова, коли перші промені сонця освітлювали вулиці міста, Петро і Катерина, двоє молодих офісних працівників, як і завжди, поспішали на роботу. Їхній шлях проходив через старовинний парк, де вони іноді, обмінюючись усмішками, робили невеличкі перерви. En: On a December morning in Lviv, when the…

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The Statue’s Serenade: Discovering the Meaning within Misunderstandings

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 도심에 한복판, 서울 딱 중앙엔 대리석으로 가공된 고요한 조각상이 설치되어 있습니다. 고개를 저었다 들었다 하는 사람들이 발길이 멈추질 않아, 여기는 서울 시민들의 의지와 역사가 고스란히 담긴 경복궁입니다. En: In the heart of the city, right in the center of Seoul, stands a serene statue made of marble.…

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The Perfect Picnic: A Tale of Friendship and Resilience

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Ein sonniger Tag brach in Berlin an. En: A sunny day dawned in Berlin. De: Die Vögel zwitscherten und die Menschen erwachten zu einem neuen Tag voller Möglichkeiten. En: The birds chirped and the people awoke to a new day full of possibilities. De: Die kleine Emma…

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Tokyo Tales: A Misunderstood Friendship Sparks a Grand Urban Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京、その名の通り、東の都。その高層ビルの森には、大勢の人々が日々生活を営み、仕事に勤しむ。そんな一日の終わり、ハヤトとアイコは普通の一日を過ごしていた。 En: Tokyo, as its name suggests, is the eastern capital. In the forest of towering buildings, a multitude of people go about their daily lives, working diligently. At the end of one such day, Hayato and Aiko were spending an ordinary day. Ja: ハヤトは、広い公園の隅に立つ自動販売機へと向かっていた。彼の心の中にあるのは、忙しい一日を終えての疲れと、喉の渇き。一方、アイコは彼の後ろから歩いていた。夜の風がそよぎ、街灯の下に自動販売機が静かに立っていた。 En: Hayato…

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