Lost in the Market: A Chicken, a Compass, and a Heartwarming Surprise

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光从热闹的市场的顶棚中漏出来,光线在成千上万的商品上反射。在这个充满了生活气息的市场里,一个名叫张伟的男人正眉头紧锁,若有所失。 En: The sunlight seeped through the bustling market ceiling, reflecting off the thousands of products. In this vibrant market full of life, a man named Zhang Wei furrowed his brows, feeling lost. Zh: 张伟是一个普通的北京市民,为了晚上给妻子陈莉和好朋友王雷做一顿丰盛的晚餐,他来到了北京城中著名的西直门菜市场。张伟对北京的市场如此之大感到非常惊讶,他的目光在各式各样的商品之间跳跃,心中却不知所措。 En: Zhang Wei was an ordinary citizen of Beijing. He…

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Spicy Sorrel Soup: A Culinary Adventure in the Streets of Lviv

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Вулиці Львова прямували ускладненими маршрутами, черезліктуючи свою історичну присутність старовинними будинками та вузькими кам’яними переулками. En: The streets of Lviv wound through complicated routes, showcasing their historical presence with ancient buildings and narrow cobblestone alleyways. Uk: У центрі європейської столиці культури розстелилась затишна кав’ярня “Дім Легенд”, вишукане…

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Venice’s Gelato Chaos: An Unexpected Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Ogni città ha una storia da raccontare. En: Every city has a story to tell. It: Ma Venezia, con i suoi canali misteriosi e le sue piazze affascinanti, ne ha infinite. En: But Venice, with its mysterious canals and captivating squares, has countless ones. It: Arriviamo oggi…

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Snowy Ski Adventures: Friendship, Laughter, and Snowman Mishaps

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: En vinterdag fanns det inte en fläck av himlen som inte var täckt med snöflingor över Åre. En: One winter day, there wasn’t a spot in the sky over Åre that wasn’t covered with snowflakes. Sv: Där, bland de piskade vita höjderna, hade tre vänner, Emil, Linnea…

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The Selfie Mishap: Jan’s Unexpected Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Jan was een grote man met een breed glimlachend gezicht. Hij woonde in Amsterdam, de stad van grachten en tulpen. Jan hield van zijn stad en hij hield ervan om foto’s te maken. Vooral selfies, dat was zijn ding. En: Jan was a big man with a…

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The Peaceful Power of Friendship: A Day in Berlin’s Tiergarten

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: In der lebhaften Stadt Berlin, wo große Bauwerke den Himmel berühren und Menschen aus aller Welt zusammenkommen, gibt es einen friedlichen Ort. En: In the lively city of Berlin, where large structures touch the sky and people from all over the world come together, there is a…

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The Delightful Surprise: Overcoming Language Barriers Through Food

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Bajo el sol brillante y galopante de Barcelona, Juan deambulaba con una sonrisa nerviosa y un poco de deseo intacto en sus ojos. En: Under the bright and bustling Barcelona sun, Juan wandered with a nervous smile and a lingering desire in his eyes. Es: Paseó por…

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A Night in Paris: Impressions and Laughter

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: A Paris, la ville des lumières, il y a un restaurant chic. En: In Paris, the city of lights, there is a fancy restaurant. Fr: Dans ce restaurant, il y a Pierre. En: In this restaurant, there is Pierre. Fr: Pierre est grand. En: Pierre is tall.…

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Jovan’s Joyful Journey: A Serbian Holiday Celebration

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Сједио је Јован у једној отменим кафани на Дорћолу, под димњацима на којима је тихо пушкала жута светилка, приликом великог празника. En: Jovan was sitting in an elegant tavern in Dorćol, under the dimly lit yellow lamp during a big holiday. Sr: Било је пуно гостију, а…

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The City of Dreams: A Journey of Determination and Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मुंबई, भारत के मयानगरी, जहां हर कोई अपने सपनों को साकार करने की तलाश में होता है, ऐसा ही एक युवा था राजेश। En: Mumbai, the City of Dreams in India, where everyone is in pursuit of fulfilling their dreams, there lived a young man named Rajesh.…

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