The First Chopstick Airplane Incident

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 제목: “첫 번째 젓가락 비행기 사건”서울의 한복판에 위치한 작은 일식당, ‘초밥 나라’에서 소소한 소동이 일어났다. En: Title: “The First Chopstick Airplane Incident” A small Japanese restaurant called “Sushi Land” located in the heart of Seoul experienced a minor commotion. Ko: 그날, 그곳에는 김지연, 이민호, 박서준 – 이렇게…

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The Café Ulla Encounter: A Sweet Tale of Forgiveness and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Café Ulla i den lille by var kendt for sine varme duftende wienerbrød. Lars, en lokal mand, gik altid derhen for sin morgenkaffe. Han havde sit sædvanlige bord ved vinduet, et perfekt sted at observere livets gåen og kommen. En: Café Ulla in the small town was…

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The Accidental Flamenco Dancer: Uncovering a Hidden Passion

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: A la ciutat de Barcelona, on es pot veure la Sagrada Familia des de qualsevol lloc, hi viu un home anomenat Joan. En: In the city of Barcelona, where you can see the Sagrada Familia from anywhere, there lives a man named Joan. Ca: Un dia brillant…

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Embracing the Rain: A Delightful Cycling Adventure in Wet Amsterdam

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een gewone zondagochtend in Amsterdam, of dat leek het tenminste. En: It was a typical Sunday morning in Amsterdam, or so it seemed. Nl: Anna had haar ontbijt al vroeg klaar, een roerei en wat verse jus d’orange. En: Anna had already prepared her breakfast…

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The IKEA Puzzle: A Triumph of Perseverance and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: En dimmig tisdagsmorgon svepte genom Stockholms gator. En: On a foggy Tuesday morning, a wave swept through the streets of Stockholm. Sv: Anna, en havrekex-älskande veterinär, vaknade med en sprudlande entusiasm. En: Anna, a oat cookie-loving veterinarian, woke up with sparkling enthusiasm. Sv: Hon tittade på klockan:…

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Under the Kyiv Sun: A Fashion Rebel’s Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Спека загасила Київ. En: A heat wave had hit Kyiv. Uk: Наталя вплотила свій погляд у скляні вітрини її модного ательє у самому серці старого міста. En: Natalia stared through the glass windows of her fashionable studio in the heart of the old city. Uk: Вона бачила…

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Ink and Confidence: The Journey of Zhang Wei

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在故宫的心脏,凌驾于红墙金瓦之上,仰望着燃烧天际的余晖,张伟全身笼罩在一股紧张且自卑的气氛中。一边观察着环内人们丝丝的耳语,他专注地一笔一划,致力于在扬长遗短的战场上继续前行。张伟,本是一名对书法不过用心之人,此时却因一本奇书的启迪,来到北京,站在这个国之重地,向名家请求指教。 En: In the heart of the Forbidden City, towering over the red walls and golden tiles, Zhang Wei looked up at the burning sunset on the horizon. He felt completely enveloped in a tense and self-deprecating atmosphere. As he observed the whispers of the…

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The Wooden Spoon Fisherman: A Tale of Innovation and Perseverance

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: På en koselig hytte ved foten av et snødekket fjell, bodde en mann ved navn Lars. En: At a cozy cabin at the foot of a snow-covered mountain lived a man named Lars. Nb: Hytten hans var full av varme tepper og knitrende vedovner. En: His cabin…

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The Art of Eating Falafel: A Lesson in Perspective

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בהיכלות המקודשים של ירושלים, משקפי השמש של יעל מניחים השתקפות מזהירה של אור הימים החורפיים. היא נמצאת באמצע משימה מקומית, אך איננה קלה – ללמד את החברים שלה, דוד ושרה, את האשליה של האכילה של פלאפל בלי לעשות בלאגן. En: In the holy halls of Jerusalem, the…

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The Don’t-Ask Sushi Train: Unpredictable Moments of Joy

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 지하철. 그 장소는 열기, 따뜻하고 걷기 어려울 정도로 사람들이 붐빈다. 수많은 사람들이 꿈과 희망을 안고 이곳을 통과하며 커다란 도시의 숨결을 느낀다. 그곳에 있다가는 이것저것을 보게 될 확률은 상당하다. 그런데 지혜의 오늘 같은 일? 그것은 전설에 가까웠다. En: Subway. The place is filled with heat, warmth, and an…

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