Lost in the Enchanting Streets of Athens

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Την πρώτη φορά που ο Δημήτριος είδε τη μεγαλούπολη, ένιωσε ένα ανατριχίλισμα να του διαπερνά την ψυχή. En: The first time Dimitrios saw the metropolis, he felt a shiver pass through his soul. El: “Αυτή είναι η Αθήνα,” σκέφτηκε, με τα μάτια του να αναζητούν το θρυλικό…

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Ski Pro Lars: Carving Joy in the Streets of Oslo

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: I Oslo, en by full av liv og lys, bor det en mann ved navn Lars. En dag, midt i rushtiden, bestemte Lars seg for å ta på seg skiene. En: In Oslo, a city full of life and light, there is a man named Lars. One…

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A Sweet and Salty Love: The Humorous Morning Mishap That Transformed Their Lives

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Львів, місто з кам’яними вуличками і бароковими будівлями, сяяло у світлі дня. Олександр та Наталя, двоє закоханих в цьому місті, зустрілись на ранкову каву. En: Lviv, a city with cobblestone streets and baroque buildings, shimmered in the daylight. Oleksandr and Natalia, two people in love with this…

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Lost in Translation: A Memorable Tapas Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: A lo lejos, se vislumbraba la catedral gótica de Barcelona, custodiando con firmeza el casco antiguo de la vibrante ciudad. En: From a distance, the Gothic cathedral of Barcelona could be seen, guarding the old town of the vibrant city with firmness. Es: Ahí, escondido en una…

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Lost in the Labyrinth: A Budapest Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Budapesti reggel volt. Áron és Eszter, két jó barát, úgy döntött, hogy felfedezik a Városliget labirintusát. Zsebében ott volt a GPS-készülék, mint utolsó mentsvár a rögtönzött utazáshoz. Gábor, az idősebb és bölcs brüsszeli műszaki szakember, adta nekik a készüléket, megjegyezve, hogy a kapott és visszaküldött jelek nem…

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Lost in Tokyo: Rediscovering Friendship through an Old Map

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京の混沌とした街並みを背景に、三人の友人が目立たない一日を過ごす話を始めましょう。 En: Let’s begin the story of three friends spending an ordinary day against the chaotic backdrop of Tokyo’s cityscape. Ja: ユキ、ヒロシ、そしてアイコ。彼らは友人間での旅行に興奮しながら、この広大な都市を探索していました。 En: Yuki, Hiroshi, and Aiko were exploring this vast city with excitement as they embarked on a trip together. Ja: この日、ユキとアイコの気持ちは一体化し、広大な都市の何百万もの面々の間に自己を見いだす勇気を持っていました。 En: On this day,…

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Laughter in Piazza Navona: A Hilarious Opera Performance

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Una luce dorata baciò i ciottoli di Piazza Navona, una delle piazze più affascinanti e simboliche di Roma. Marco e Giuseppe, due compagni inseparabili, inizialo la loro impresa. Volevano impressionare la bella Sophia, la ragazza dei loro sogni, con un’opera, proprio nel mezzo della celebre piazza. En:…

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The Prague Market’s Pierogi Pandemonium

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Na malowniczym targu na warszawskiej Pradze, gdzie kolorowy harmider towarzyszył każdemu dnia, pewnej końcówki lata wydarzyła się historia dość niezwykła. En: On the picturesque market in Warsaw’s Praga district, where colorful chaos accompanied every day, a rather unusual story unfolded at the end of summer. Pl: Katarzyna,…

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Love Amidst the Rain: A Parisian Romance

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Un jour frais et nuageux dans la belle ville de Paris, la vie animée sur le boulevard Saint-Germain était en plein spectacle. En: One fresh and cloudy day in the beautiful city of Paris, the bustling life on Boulevard Saint-Germain was in full spectacle. Fr: Marie, une…

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The Picnic’s Triumph: A Day of Friendship and Adventure

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: An einem strahlend sonnigen Morgen machte sich Lisa, die kleine rothaarige Frau mit ihren funkelnden blauen Augen, auf den Weg zum Park. En: On a brilliantly sunny morning, Lisa, the little redhead woman with her sparkling blue eyes, set off for the park. De: Sie hatte einen…

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