The Hummus Surprise: A Night of Rekindled Friendships

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: יש בהם משהו מרשים בערב החמים שמתנהל על רחבות ירושלים. En: There is something impressive about the warm evening that unfolds on the streets of Jerusalem. He: האוויר מעורר בהם התרסה ואנשים מסתובבים מחנות לחנויות בחיפוש אחר המנה האחרונה לסיום היום. En: The air evokes a sense…

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The Statue’s Selfie: A Simple Moment of Reflection

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Niekoniecznie to wiedział, ale Krzysztof, młody informatyk z Warszawy, miał mieć naprawdę dziwny dzień. Wyrwał się z nudnej pętli codzienności, by wybrać się na spacer po jego ulubionym mieście, Warszawie. En: He may not have known it, but Krzysztof, a young computer scientist from Warsaw, was about…

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The Song of Kimchi Jjigae: A Comedy Show of Hot Messes

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 제목: “김치찌개의 노래”김치찌개는 미끈미끈하게 끓었다. En: Title: “The Song of Kimchi Jjigae” The kimchi jjigae was simmering hot. Ko: 이것은 서울 중심부에서 열리는 거대한 코미디 쇼, 가자미 벽 플라자에서 통통튀는 실패의 시작이었다. En: This was the start of a lively comedy show taking place in the heart…

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The Mustard Mishap: A Hilarious Bike Ride Gone Wrong

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars, en mand på toogtyve, var en cykelentusiast. En: Lars, a man of twenty-two, was a cycling enthusiast. Da: Han levede i det pulserende hjerte af København, en by, der var som et blændende væld af farverige bygninger, brostensbelagte gader og svingende cykelstier. En: He lived in…

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A Taste of Barcelona: Friendship, Laughter, and Esqueixada

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona bullia amb la seva vibració habitual aquell capvespre. En: The city of Barcelona buzzed with its usual vibrancy that evening. Ca: Entre la gentada de la Rambla, tres amics, Marta, Jordi i Laia, es van trobar en un bar de tapes. En: Amongst…

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An Unforgettable Encounter: Mistaken Identity in Stockholm

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en vanlig tisdag morgon i Stockholm, i en av dess mest livfulla gator, Drottninggatan. En: It was a typical Tuesday morning in Stockholm, in one of its liveliest streets, Drottninggatan. Sv: Solen lyste starkt. En: The sun was shining brightly. Sv: Människor skyndade fram och…

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Twins in Amsterdam: A Night of Pranks and Laughter

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Amsterdam, een stad van fietsen en grachten, was het hart van het feest. En: Amsterdam, a city of bicycles and canals, was the heart of the party. Nl: Jan en Sophie, heel goede vrienden, gingen naar het feest. En: Jan and Sophie, very good friends, went to…

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The Croissant Chronicles: A Sweet Parisian Morning

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Paris brillait sous le soleil d’une matinée fraîche. En: Paris was shining under the sun on a cool morning. Fr: Pierre marchait sur le trottoir. En: Pierre was walking on the sidewalk. Fr: Devant lui, se dressait une petite boulangerie. En: In front of him stood a…

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The Journey of Success: Navigating the Chaos of Mumbai

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: “सूरज की पहली किरण ने अभी तक मुंबई के आसमान को छुआ नहीं था कि राजेश अपनी दीनेरी चाय का कप हाथ में ले, इस नए दिन का स्वागत कर रहा था। यह कोई साधारण दिन नहीं था, आज उसका नौकरी का जॉब इंटरव्यू था। वह अपनी…

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The Rakija Debate: A Spirited Argument at a Belgrade Wedding

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Свадба у Београду. En: Wedding in Belgrade. Sr: Звона ору из Храма Светог Саве, чији се монументалан облик И небеска висина јасно виде са ове локације. En: Bells ring out from the Church of St. Sava, whose monumental structure and heavenly height can clearly be seen from…

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