Lost and Found in the Streets of Warsaw

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Pewnego popołudnia, w środku letniej Warszawy tętniącej życiem wszedł Marek. En: One afternoon, in the midst of a vibrant summer Warsaw, Marek entered. Pl: Był to sympatyczny mężczyzna o niebieskich oczach, niski i zgrabny. En: He was a friendly man with blue eyes, short and agile. Pl:…

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The Kimchi Flight: Overcoming Clumsiness through Authentic Cuisine

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 제목: “초장소전의 김치 비행”가장 한국적인 바라바리 진수성찬을 내놓는 어느 친질한 식당. En: Title: “The Kimchi Flight of the New Chopstick Master” In a cozy restaurant known for serving the most authentic Korean barabari cuisine, a bedecked chieftain’s feast awaited. Ko: 베게씌에는 정자봉, 시계 위에는 갈로아 날개가 붙어…

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The Unforgettable Cheese: A Tale of Courage and Perseverance

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Bergen i Norge var stedet. Det var en fiskerlandsby omgitt av de berømte norske fjordene. Lars, en robust fisker, bodde der sammen med sine naboer Ingrid og Erik. En: Bergen in Norway was the place. It was a fishing village surrounded by the famous Norwegian fjords. Lars,…

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The Barcelona Rainstorm: Finding Beauty in the Storm

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Bajo un cielo rosado por el atardecer en Barcelona, María, Alejandro y Sofía, tres amables niños, exploraban el parque de la Ciutadella, ignorando el pronóstico del tiempo. En: Under a rosy sky at sunset in Barcelona, María, Alejandro, and Sofía, three kind children, were exploring the Ciutadella…

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Dancing the Sardana: Triumphs and Laughter in Barcelona

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Sobre les dures lloses de la Plaça de Sant Jaume, enmig de Barcelona, tres amics es reuneixen: la Marta, el David i en Jordi. En: On the hard slabs of Plaza Sant Jaume, in the heart of Barcelona, three friends gather: Marta, David, and Jordi. Ca: La…

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The Tulip Field: A Boy’s Adventure and Unexpected Beauty

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In een gezellig hoekje van Breda, leefde een jongen genaamd Matthijs. En: In a cozy corner of Breda, lived a boy named Matthijs. Nl: Matthijs was een vrolijke kerel, altijd op zoek naar avontuur. En: Matthijs was a cheerful guy, always looking for adventure. Nl: Op een…

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The Tongue-Twister Triumph: Anders’ Hilarious Café Challenge

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: På en solrig dag i København, i en lille café ved havnen, sidder en mand ved navn Anders. En: On a sunny day in Copenhagen, in a small café by the harbor, sits a man named Anders. Da: Han er en glad og venlig fyr, der altid…

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The Unforgettable Wedding Dance: Love Triumphs on the Dance Floor

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонячний день доглядав за маленькими вуличками міста Лева. En: The sunny day watched over the little streets of the city of Lviv. Uk: Цього дня атмосфера наповнена була різнокольоровими повітряними кульками, святковими блискітками та радісним гамором. En: On this day, the atmosphere was filled with colorful balloons,…

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Entangled in Blossoms: A Tale of Hope and Beauty

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京の心地よい春の一日、春樹という名の少年は、都会の隙間に広がる桜の木を見つけました。公園のコーナーに咲く一本の桜は、ピンク色の花びらが空に舞っている様子がとても美しかったです。春樹はその美しさに圧倒され、思わず深々とお辞儀をしました。しかし、彼が気づいたときには、頭が抜け出ないほど桜の枝に挟まれていました。 En: On a pleasant spring day in Tokyo, a boy named Haruki discovered a cherry blossom tree spreading its branches in the gaps of the city. The single cherry tree blooming in the corner of the park was incredibly beautiful, with pink petals dancing in the…

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Stumbling Towards Magic: A Flamenco Journey in Barcelona

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Bajo el sol brillante de Barcelona, un áspero viento proveniente del mar Mediterráneo silbaba entre los naranjales. En: Under the bright sun of Barcelona, a harsh wind from the Mediterranean Sea whistled through the orange groves. Es: En ese escenario lleno de vida, un grupo de amigos,…

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