A Parisian Melody: A Wine-Stained Beret and the Birth of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Sous le ciel parisien, il y avait une femme nommée Marie. En: Under the Parisian sky, there was a woman named Marie. Fr: Dans un coin de Paris, un homme nommé Jean-Pierre vivait. En: In a corner of Paris, a man named Jean-Pierre lived. Fr: Tous les…

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Lessons in Compassion: A Vegan Potluck Party Surprise

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: På en kølig efterårsdag i hjertet af København, havde Lars travlt med at pakke en stor pose fisk til en fest. En: On a cool autumn day in the heart of Copenhagen, Lars was busy packing a big bag of fish for a party. Da: Dette var…

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The Coffee Mishap: A Love Story in the Heart of the City

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Era un giorno solare e vivace nel centro di una città pulsante. En: It was a sunny and vibrant day in the center of a bustling city. It: Stiamo parlando di Giuseppe, un uomo delizioso e pieno di vita, e di Maria, una donna elegante e sofisticata.…

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The Spiciest Challenge: A Tale of Friendship and Flaming Chilies

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在北京市中心的一家名叫食火的餐馆,光线昏暗,嘈杂的讨论声和时不时传出的笑声,丰富了这个地方有趣的气氛。 En: In the center of Beijing, there is a restaurant called “Shi Huo” where the lighting is dim and the lively discussions and occasional laughter create an interesting atmosphere. Zh: 在餐馆的角落,两个朋友:李伟和张伟相对而坐。他们都是刚到北京的新手,还在努力习惯这个当地独特的饮食能口感。 En: In a corner of the restaurant, two friends, Li Wei and Zhang…

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Sushi Harmony: Bridging Cultures through Cuisine

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京、都会の豪華なビル群に囲まれた静かな一角。「赤壁寿司」という看板が揺れている。そこはサトシ、ヒロシ、そしてサクラの出会う舞台だ。 En: In a quiet corner surrounded by the luxurious buildings of Tokyo, a sign with the words “Akakabe Sushi” sways in the wind. This is where Satoshi, Hiroshi, and Sakura meet. Ja: サトシは東京の生粋の住民で、寿司職人。彼の寿司には特別なことがあった。それは単純な食事以上のもの、一種の体験だった。一方、ヒロシは海外からの旅行者で、身振り手振りを使ってコミュニケートするしかなかった。最後に、サクラは新米の翻訳家だった。皮肉にも、その日、サクラが訪れる寿司屋はサトシが働く「赤壁寿司」だった。 En: Satoshi is a true Tokyoite and a sushi chef. There was something…

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The Enchanted Waters of Budapest: A Tale of Mistakes and Transformation

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A hajnali ködbe burkolt Pesten, Gábor, egy fiatal, izgatott turista haladt előre a kanyargós utcák labirintusán keresztül. En: In the misty morning of Pest, Gábor, a young, excited tourist, moved forward through the labyrinthine streets. Hu: Budapest, az Öreg Duna partján fekvő város kápráztatja el, mágikus keverékével…

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Coffee, Markets, and Surprises

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: כדלקמן הסיפור:אמצע היום, השמש כובשת את שמי תל אביב, אך אביב, מאיה והקפה שהם חוללים בו שוקים את מסגרת ההוד. En: As of now, the story: Midday, the sun dominates the sky of Tel Aviv, but Aviv, Maya, and the coffee they are creating shocks the frame…

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Discovering the Beauty of Risk: A Journey into the Black Forest

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Mit dem fröhlichen Läuten der Glockentür steckte Max seine Nase in das kleine, gemütliche Café im Herzen von Berlin. En: With the cheerful jingle of the bell door, Max stuck his nose into the small, cozy café in the heart of Berlin. De: Dort saß Anna schon…

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The Varenyky Challenge: A Love Story of Bravery and Sacrifice

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонце щедро обливало Київ золотистим світлом, коли Іван та Петро вирішили вступити в змагання з поїдання вареників. En: The sun generously bathed Kyiv in golden light as Ivan and Petro decided to compete in a varenyky-eating contest. Uk: Все це було зроблено задля Оксани, що благородно виглядала…

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The Joy of Midsummer: A Beautiful Celebration in Stockholm

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solen skiner i Stockholm, på midsommardagen. En: The sun is shining in Stockholm, on Midsummer’s Day. Sv: Emma, Erik och Sofia, bästa vänner sedan länge, ska fira. En: Emma, Erik, and Sofia, best friends for a long time, are going to celebrate. Sv: De är glada. En:…

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