The Moussaka Mishap: A Chef’s Fateful Encounter with the Divine

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Το ανοιχτό βιβλίο της Αθήνας απεικονίζει ανά τους αιώνες τις ιστορίες των ανθρώπων που την έχουν κατοικήσει. En: The open book of Athens depicts throughout the centuries the stories of the people who have inhabited it. El: Μία από αυτές αφορά τον Δημήτριο, έναν απλό άνθρωπο της…

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The Cat Who Changed Everything: A Love Story at the Gellért Baths

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: András és Katalin a budapesti hírnévnek örvendő Gellért Fürdőben találkoztak. Békésen csobbantak a meleg medencében, halkan csevegve a barlangokról kőfejtő helyeken, amik helyenko belül fedezhetőek fel. En: András and Katalin met at the renowned Gellért Baths in Budapest. They peacefully splashed in the warm pool, softly chatting…

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Gratitude Unveiled: Rediscovering the Significance of Human-Object Relationships

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京の喧騒からほど遠い、静かな街角に佇んでいた。雪が舞い落ちる寒い日だった。ユキは、その日の朝、自動販売機にお辞儀をした。その一挙手一投足を見ていたのは、彼女の親友アキヒコだった。 En: She stood on a quiet street corner, far from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. It was a cold day, with snowflakes dancing in the air. Yuki bowed to a vending machine that morning. Her best friend, Akihiko, watched her every move. Ja: 「ユキ、何やってるの?」とアキヒコが声をかけると、ユキは戸惑いつつも応えた。「え? お金を入れてコーヒーを買って…あ、あれ?」ユキは自分の動きを振り返った。…

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Friendship that Started with a Mistake

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 시장의 북적임 속에 민준의 호프는 비명 소리와 함께 공중으로 날아갔다. 참외, 오이, 무우에 둘러싸인 지현의 머리 위로 호떡들이 퍼졌다. 햇볕 아래서 밀가루가 타는 냄새를 섞어 노릇하게 구워진 호떡의 끈적이는 소스가 그의 머리카락을 감쌌다. En: Amidst the hustle and bustle of the market, Minjun’s hotteok soared into the…

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Lost in Barcelona: The Universal Language of Gestures

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: En un brillant matí de diumenge a Barcelona, el sol etçava somnis daurats sobre les rues romàntiques i angostes del Barri Gòtic. En: On a sunny Sunday morning in Barcelona, dreams of gold rose above the romantic and narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter. Ca: Marta, una…

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The Ketchup Mishap: A Night of Awkward Elegance

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Wtedy, kiedy dzień pożegnał słońce, a nastała noc pełna tętniącej muzyki i śmiechu, Adam i Katarzyna spotkali się na wesele w Warszawie. En: When the day said goodbye to the sun and the night of pulsating music and laughter arrived, Adam and Katarzyna met at a wedding…

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The Dumpling Delight: A Simple Mistake Leads to a Memorable Night

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Львів, Старе Місто у смерінку. En: Lviv, Old Town at dusk. Uk: У вузьких вуличках запахи печива і вареників майже взяли на власні плечі довірливих мандрівників. En: In the narrow streets, the smells of pastries and dumplings almost took on the shoulders of trusting travelers. Uk: Олена,…

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A Laughter Workshop: How Abraham Accidentally Crossed His Hebrew

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: אברהם, הנבון הנבון והמהנה המהנה, התארגנו למפגש על גג מבנה בתל-אביב. En: Abraham, the wise and enjoyable, arranged to meet on the rooftop of a building in Tel Aviv. He: רוח הים המוליכה את ריכוזו למקום אחר בעוד השמש טסה למנוח, מביאה בידה הרכה את סמלי הערב…

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The Icy Encounter: A Tale of Unexpected Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solens bleka strålar tittade fram bakom gråa moln över Stockholm den där kalla vintermorgonen. En: The pale rays of the sun peeked out from behind gray clouds over Stockholm that cold winter morning. Sv: På Sergels Torg vimlade det av människor. En: Sergels Torg was teeming with…

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The Snail Surprise: A Memorable Dinner in Madrid

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: A lo lejos resonaba el bullicio de Madrid, la música cautivadora de la vida de la ciudad. En: In the distance, the hustle and bustle of Madrid resonated, the captivating music of city life. Es: Aquí, en un rincón concurrido, dos amigos, Carlos y María, disfrutaban de…

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