Cleaning with Dumplings: A Polish Wedding Miracle

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Na polskim weselu Adam miał na sobie swój ulubiony garnitur. En: At the Polish wedding, Adam was wearing his favorite suit. Pl: Był to topowy model, za który zapłacił niemałe pieniądze. En: It was a top model for which he paid a lot of money. Pl: Katarzyna…

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A Beautiful Moment in Oslo

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Lars var en ung mann som bodde i Oslo. En: Lars was a young man who lived in Oslo. Nb: En dag skulle han møte noen venner på kafé. En: One day he was supposed to meet some friends in a cafe. Nb: Lars var veldig spent…

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Beach Buddies: Fun Times Together!

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars og Sofie gik til stranden. En: Lars and Sofie went to the beach. Da: De havde deres spande og skovle med sig, og de var klar til at bygge et stort sandslot. En: They had their buckets and shovels with them and they were ready to…

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Love & Snails: Pierre’s Parisian Adventure

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Pierre et Sophie étaient en vacances à Paris, la ville de l’amour. En: Pierre and Sophie were on vacation in Paris, the city of love. Fr: Ils avaient décidé de passer la soirée dans un petit bistro français. En: They had decided to spend the evening in…

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Friends, Coffee & Cake: A Perfect Afternoon

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det är tisdag eftermiddag och Erik, Sofia och Lars bestämmer sig för att mötas på det lokala fikacafét. En: It is Tuesday afternoon and Erik, Sofia and Lars decide to meet at the local coffee shop. Sv: Erik beställer en stor kaffe medan Sofia väljer en chokladcroissant…

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Culinary Faux Pas: Giuseppe Learns a Lesson

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Giuseppe e Sofia erano buoni amici e amavano trascorrere il loro tempo libero insieme. En: Giuseppe and Sofia were good friends and loved to spend their free time together. It: Un bel giorno, decidono di ordinare una pizza dal loro ristorante preferito, situato proprio al centro della…

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Spicy Food Challenge: Resolved!

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 매운 음식을 시킨 김민지는 이젠 후회밖에 없었다. En: Kim Min-ji, who ordered spicy food, now had only regrets. Ko: 박상현은 우유를 달라며 신음하며 마시고, 이태용은 웃으며 아무렇게나 먹어치우고 있었다. En: Park Sang-hyun moaned and drank milk, while Lee Tae-yong laughed and ate it at random. Ko: 그러던…

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Beetroot Tie: A Surprise Wedding Blessing!

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Haczyk: Zawsze, gdy jest wesele, dzieją się różne niespodzianki! En: The catch: Every time there is a wedding there are surprises! Pl: Anna i Krzysztof byli na weselu swoich najlepszych przyjaciół – Marii i Jacka. En: Anna and Krzysztof were at the wedding of their best friends…

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Oktoberfest Success: Hans & Helga’s Beer Challenge

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Es war ein sonniger Tag auf dem Oktoberfest, als Hans und Helga beschlossen, sich der Herausforderung zu stellen, jeweils 10 Krüge Bier zu tragen. En: It was a sunny day at Oktoberfest when Hans and Helga decided to take on the challenge of carrying 10 mugs of…

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Goulash Joy: Overcoming Challenges Together

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A fagylalt nagyon finom volt, de hamar melegté vált. En: The ice cream was very tasty, but it quickly became warm. Hu: Béla, Éva és István boldogan nyalogatták a finomságot egy budapesti játszótéren. En: Béla, Éva and István happily licked the delicacy at a Budapest playground. Hu:…

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