Oktoberfest Love: A Spilled Beer Leads to a Great Romance

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Es war ein sonniger Tag auf dem Oktoberfest. En: It was a sunny day at Oktoberfest. De: Hans und Anna genossen das bunte Treiben auf dem Festgelände. En: Hans and Anna enjoyed the hustle and bustle on the festival grounds. De: Hans hatte gerade zwei Maß Bier…

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Unexpected Kindness: Lise’s Unexpected Journey

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lise var på vej til sit studiejob i København. En: Lise was on her way to her student job in Copenhagen. Da: Hun havde travlt og var sent på den. En: She was in a hurry and was late for it. Da: Da hun krydsede gaden ved…

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Finding the Perfect Ham: A Boqueria Market Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Marta i Marc estaven al mercat de la Boqueria buscant un bon jamó ibèric sencer per a la seva festa d’aniversari. En: Marta and Marc were at the Boqueria market looking for a good whole Iberian ham for their birthday party. Ca: Després de caminar per tot…

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Unforgettable Experience in Montmartre

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Jacques était en vacances à Paris. En: Jacques was on vacation in Paris. Fr: Il avait toujours voulu voir le Sacré-Cœur à Montmartre. En: He had always wanted to see the Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre. Fr: Un jour, il partit à la découverte de la célèbre église. En:…

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Unforgettable Sea Monster Story: Ole’s Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid og Lars pekte og lo av Ole. En: Ingrid and Lars pointed and laughed at Ole. Nb: “Hvorfor er du så redd for å isfiske?” En: “Why are you so afraid of ice fishing?” Nb: spurte de. En: they asked. Nb: “Du er en tøffing!” En:…

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Exploring Together: Bram and Sanne’s Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Bram en Sanne woonden al jaren in Amsterdam, maar gingen er nog steeds graag op uit om nieuwe plekken te verkennen. En: Bram and Sanne had been living in Amsterdam for years, but they still loved to explore new places. Nl: Op een mooie zonnige dag trokken…

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Dancing Again: Overcoming Embarrassment in Salsa

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Miguel estaba emocionado por ir a la fiesta de salsa esa noche en México. En: Miguel was excited to go to the salsa party that night in Mexico. Es: Él nunca antes había bailado salsa, pero siempre había querido intentarlo. En: He had never danced salsa before,…

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Lars’ Lucky Lesson

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars var inviteret til et vigtigt middagsselskab hos sin chef. En: Lars was invited to an important dinner party at his boss’s house. Da: Han var spændt og nervøs, men havde besluttet sig for at nyde aftenen. En: He was excited and nervous, but had decided to…

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Rome’s Unforgettable Lesson: Never Give Up!

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Era una splendida giornata di sole a Roma e Marco era felice di poter visitare la città. En: It was a beautiful sunny day in Rome and Marco was happy to be able to visit the city. It: Si trovava nella bellissima Piazza Navona, circondato da fontane…

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An Unexpected Comedy of Gouda Wheels

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Anna en Jan fietsten door de drukke straten van Amsterdam. En: Anna and Jan cycled through the busy streets of Amsterdam. Nl: De zon scheen fel en de stad leek te trillen van de drukte. En: The sun shone brightly and the city seemed to shake with…

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