The Pigeons, The Pizza, & Our Common Home

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Balázs már majdnem elkésett a metróra. En: Balázs was almost late for the subway. Hu: Futva próbált eljutni az állomásra, de lassúbb volt, mint amit szeretett volna. En: He tried to run to the station, but it was slower than he would have liked. Hu: Összeszorult a…

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Laughing at Lars & Sofie’s Ice Cream Catch!

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars og Sofie var i Tivoli. En: Lars and Sofie were in Tivoli. Da: Der var så meget at se og gøre. En: There was so much to see and do. Da: Lars spiste en isvaffel og nød den. En: Lars ate an ice cream cone and…

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Creating a Warming Oasis: Henrik & Ingrid’s Norwegian Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Henrik og Ingrid hadde gledet seg til turen på den norske hytta i ukesvis. En: Henrik and Ingrid had been looking forward to the trip to the Norwegian cabin for weeks. Nb: Endelig var de framme, men været var ikke på deres side. En: Finally they arrived,…

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Building Friendships at IKEA

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: “Erik kollade på sin klocka och insåg att han var sen till mötet med Johanna och Ingrid på IKEA. En: “Erik checked his watch and realized that he was late for the meeting with Johanna and Ingrid at IKEA. Sv: Han skyndade sig genom varuhuset och slet…

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Joyful Mishap: A Wedding to Remember

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Na wesele przybyło wiele osób. En: Many people came to the wedding. Pl: Spośród nich byli młodzi, Katarzyna i Marek, którzy wkrótce mieli wziąć ślub. En: Among them were the young ones, Katarzyna and Marek, who were soon to be married. Pl: Goście pląsali przy muzyce, podskakiwali…

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Spicy Date: Juan’s Lesson Learned

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Juan estaba decidido a impresionar a María en su cita a un restaurante mexicano. En: Juan was determined to impress Maria on their date at a Mexican restaurant. Es: Él sabía que ella amaba la comida mexicana, así que tomó la iniciativa de sugerir este lugar para…

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Stepping on Purpose: Lars’s Sweet Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars var i København og havde en sød tand. En: Lars was in Copenhagen and had a sweet tooth. Da: Han kiggede rundt på bagerier og stoppede ved en hyggelig lille butik. En: He looked around at bakeries and stopped at a cozy little shop. Da: Han…

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Cycling Through a Festival Frenzy

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Lars, Mette og Anders skulle til en festival i København. En: Lars, Mette and Anders were going to a festival in Copenhagen. Da: De havde købt 20 øl til at tage med. En: They had bought 20 beers to take away. Da: Men da de skulle af…

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Exploring Warzywówka: A Tale of Lost Love and History

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Kasia i Tomek zgubili się w Warszawie. En: Kasia and Tomek got lost in Warsaw. Pl: Nie wiedzieli, gdzie jest Zamek Królewski. En: They didn’t know where the Royal Castle was. Pl: Zatrzymali się na ulicy i zaczęli szukać pomocy. En: They stopped in the street and…

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Friends Forever: Sharing is Better than Fighting

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Lars og Ingrid var i matbutikken og skulle kjøpe lutefisk. En: Lars and Ingrid were in the grocery store and were going to buy lutefisk. Nb: De ville begge ha den siste krukken. En: They both wanted the last jar. Nb: Lars ga Ingrid en sur mine…

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