Lost & Found: Montserrat Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Lost & Found: Montserrat Adventure Story Transcript: Ca: Martí estava emocionat per fer la seva primera excursió a la muntanya de Montserrat amb la seva amiga Laia. En: Martí was excited to go on his first trip to the mountain of Montserrat with his friend Laia. Ca: Van portar menjar,…

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Treasures of the Fjords

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Treasures of the Fjords Story Transcript: Nb: Lars var en ivrig turgåer, og han elsket å utforske fjordene. En: Lars was a keen walker, and he loved exploring the fjords. Nb: Han dro på en tur med vennene sine, Ingrid og Sofie. En: He went on a trip with his…

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Enchantment at the Alhambra

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Enchantment at the Alhambra Story Transcript: Es: Ana emprendió su viaje emocionada hacia Granada para visitar la Alhambra, un lugar que había oído hablar mucho. En: Ana excitedly set out on her journey to Granada to visit the Alhambra, a place she had heard a lot about. Es: Llegó temprano…

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The Cabin of Horrors: A Hiker’s Tale

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German The Cabin of Horrors: A Hiker’s Tale Story Transcript: De: Anna und ihre Freunde waren schon seit Jahren Wanderfreunde und hatten den Schwarzwald schon oft durchstreift. En: Anna and her friends had been hikers for years and had roamed the Black Forest many times. De: Doch diesmal verirrten sie sich…

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Cleansing Neuschwanstein: A Tale of Mystery and Evil

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Cleansing Neuschwanstein: A Tale of Mystery and Evil Story Transcript: De: Anna und Stefan waren aufgeregt, als sie das Schloss Neuschwanstein betraten. En: Anna and Stefan were excited when they entered Neuschwanstein Castle. De: Sie wurden von einem Geisterführer begrüßt, der ihnen erzählte, dass das Schloss viele Jahre alt sei…

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Treasure at the Castle: A Krakow Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Treasure at the Castle: A Krakow Adventure Story Transcript: Pl: Katarzyna, Wojciech i Piotr byli grupą turystów, którzy odwiedzili Zamek Królewski na Wawelu w Krakowie. En: Katarzyna, Wojciech and Piotr were a group of tourists who visited the Wawel Royal Castle in Krakow. Pl: W trakcie zwiedzania, zauważyli, że drzwi…

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The Shrine’s Secret Riddle

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese The Shrine’s Secret Riddle Story Transcript: Ja: 高校生のユイ、タケシ、そしてその仲間たちは、富士山を登っていた。 En: High school students Yui, Takeshi, and their friends were climbing Mount Fuji. Ja: 彼らは疲れ切っていたが、一緒にいることで力を分かち合っていた。 En: They were exhausted, but together they shared their strength. Ja: そんな中、彼らは山の隠れた神社を発見した。 En: Meanwhile, they discover a hidden shrine in the mountains. Ja: 神社に入ると、彼らはそこで謎めいた精霊に遭遇した。 En: Entering the…

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Legend of the Sea Beast

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Legend of the Sea Beast Story Transcript: Nb: Det var en tidlig morgen i Lofoten, og Lars og Ingrid var på vei ut til havet for å fiske med resten av gruppen. En: It was an early morning in Lofoten, and Lars and Ingrid were heading out to sea to…

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The Magician’s Magical Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish The Magician’s Magical Adventure Story Transcript: Es: La tarde era calurosa cuando la niña, llamada Ana, se adentró en el bosque. En: The afternoon was hot when the girl, named Ana, went into the woods. Es: Ana amaba explorar y encontrar cosas nuevas. En: Ana loved to explore and find…

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Zh: Rising Above: Alba’s Education Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Rising Above: Alba’s Education Journey Story Transcript: Zh: 在菲尔德斯通的小村庄里,一个年轻女孩的生活充满了艰辛和贫困。 En: In the small village of Fieldstone, the life of a young girl was filled with hardship and poverty. Zh: 她的名字叫阿尔巴,她决心超越自己的处境。 En: Her name was Alba and she was determined to rise above her circumstances. Zh: Alba 对数学充满热情,并且知道通过教育,她可以实现自己的梦想。 En:…

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