The Underground Treasure Hunt

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian The Underground Treasure Hunt Story Transcript: Hu: Sötét volt Anna előtt, amikor lement a földalatti alagutakba. En: It was dark before Anna when she went down into the underground tunnels. Hu: Kampóval a kezében, az örökséget keresve, eltökélt volt. En: Hook in hand, looking for the inheritance, he was determined.…

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Treasure Found in Lake Balaton

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Treasure Found in Lake Balaton Story Transcript: Hu: Kampó: Anna, Gábor és László nyár végén a Balatonba ugrottak, hogy hűsítsék magukat. En: Kampó: At the end of summer, Anna, Gábor and László jumped into Lake Balaton to cool off. Hu: Azonban aznap olyasmit találtak, amit soha nem vártak. En: However,…

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Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning

Fluent Fiction – Greek Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning Story Transcript: El: Η Σαντορίνη ήταν πάντα ένας υπέροχος τόπος για να ερωτευτεί κανείς. En: Santorini has always been a wonderful place to fall in love. El: Στα καταγάλανα νερά της Μεσογείου και του Αιγαίου, ο ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά και οι δρόμοι ήταν γεμάτοι…

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El: Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning

Fluent Fiction – Greek Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning Story Transcript: El: Η Σαντορίνη ήταν πάντα ένας υπέροχος τόπος για να ερωτευτεί κανείς. En: Santorini has always been a wonderful place to fall in love. El: Στα καταγάλανα νερά της Μεσογείου και του Αιγαίου, ο ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά και οι δρόμοι ήταν γεμάτοι…

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Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning

Fluent Fiction – Greek Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning Story Transcript: El: Η Σαντορίνη ήταν πάντα ένας υπέροχος τόπος για να ερωτευτεί κανείς. En: Santorini has always been a wonderful place to fall in love. El: Στα καταγάλανα νερά της Μεσογείου και του Αιγαίου, ο ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά και οι δρόμοι ήταν γεμάτοι…

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A Love Protest in Venice

Fluent Fiction – Italian A Love Protest in Venice Story Transcript: It: Giuseppe era nervoso mentre salutava Maria e Antonio alla stazione ferroviaria di Venezia. En: Giuseppe was nervous as he greeted Maria and Antonio at the Venice train station. It: Aveva un grande piano in mente, e aveva bisogno della loro aiuto. En:…

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Saved in a Blizzard: Climbing Mt. Fuji

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Saved in a Blizzard: Climbing Mt. Fuji Story Transcript: Ja: ハイカーのグループは、吹雪が荒れる中、富士山に登り始めた。 En: A group of hikers began climbing Mount Fuji in a raging snowstorm. Ja: 中にはソラとユナもいた。 En: Sora and Yuna were also inside. Ja: しかし、彼らは道に迷い始めた。 En: But they began to lose their way. Ja: 携帯電話の信号も届かないため、グループはどうすることもできなかった。 En: With no mobile phone…

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Love, Remembered at Namsan

Fluent Fiction – Korean Love, Remembered at Namsan Story Transcript: Ko: 프롬프트: 이 젊은 부부는 남산타워 전망대에서 처음 만났습니다. En: Prompt: This young couple first met at the Namsan Tower observatory. Ko: 이야기는 어떻게 시작되나요? En: How does the story begin? Ko: “그래, 여긴 정말 아름다워. En: “Yes, it’s really beautiful here.” Ko: ”…

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Love Forever: An Unexpected Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Love Forever: An Unexpected Adventure Story Transcript: Zh: 刘霞和张伟来到中国参观长城。 En: Liu Xia and Zhang Wei came to China to visit the Great Wall. Zh: 他们计划沿着长城一路向北,但他们误入了一个僻静的区域,长城变得危险且条条坑坑。 En: They planned to follow the Great Wall all the way north, but they strayed into a secluded area, and the Great Wall…

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Forever Love in the Tulip Fields

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Forever Love in the Tulip Fields Story Transcript: Nl: Emma en Daan wandelden hand in hand door de kleurrijke tulpenvelden van de Keukenhof. En: Emma and Daan walked hand in hand through the colorful tulip fields of Keukenhof. Nl: Het was een zonnige dag en de lucht was gevuld met…

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