Treasure Seekers: The Carpathian Adventure

Story Transcript: Uk: Іван і Катерина відправилися в Карпати на пошуки захованого скарбу. En: Ivan and Kateryna went to the Carpathians in search of a hidden treasure. Uk: Завдання було складним – їм потрібно було знайти покинуте гірське село, в якому повинен бути скарб. En: The task was difficult – they needed to find an…

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Confused Hearts in Jukkasjärvi

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Confused Hearts in Jukkasjärvi Story Transcript: Sv: Gustav hade bokat in sig på Ishotellet i Jukkasjärvi för en romantisk helg tillsammans med sin flickvän Hanna. En: Gustav had booked himself into the Ishotellet in Jukkasjärvi for a romantic weekend together with his girlfriend Hanna. Sv: De skulle fira ettårsdagen av…

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The Storm’s End: A New Beginning

Fluent Fiction – Korean The Storm’s End: A New Beginning Story Transcript: Ko: 폭풍우는 언제 끝나나? En: When will the storm end? Ko: 민준은 두려울 수밖에 없었다. En: Minjun couldn’t help but be afraid. Ko: 출발했을 때는 화창한 날씨였지만, 지금은 흐리고 비가 내리고 있었다. En: It was sunny when we set out, but now…

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Exploring the Forbidden City’s Hidden Treasures

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Exploring the Forbidden City’s Hidden Treasures Story Transcript: Zh: 张伟和他的妻子在紫禁城迷路了。 En: Zhang Wei and his wife got lost in the Forbidden City. Zh: 他们在宫殿大厅里走来走去,试图找到出口。 En: They walked up and down the halls of the palace, trying to find the exit. Zh: 突然,他们注意到了一扇隐藏的门。 En: Suddenly, they noticed a hidden…

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Love Blooms in the Colorful Gardens

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Love Blooms in the Colorful Gardens Story Transcript: Nl: Anna stond te staren naar de kleurrijke tulpen op een prachtige lentedag in de Keukenhof. En: Anna was staring at the colorful tulips on a beautiful spring day in Keukenhof. Nl: Ze had zelfs haar mooiste jurk aangetrokken. En: She had…

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Mystery Cabin on the Mountain

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Mystery Cabin on the Mountain Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid, Lars og Magnus var glade for å dra på skitur til fjellet i vakre Voss. En: Ingrid, Lars and Magnus were happy to go on a ski trip to the mountains in beautiful Voss. Nb: De hadde planlagt turen lenge og…

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Lost in Nature: A Miraculous Mountain Escape

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Lost in Nature: A Miraculous Mountain Escape Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid og Johan var et forelsket par som bestemte seg for å dra på fjelltur i de vakre områdene rundt Sognefjorden. En: Ingrid and Johan were a couple in love who decided to go on a mountain trip in the…

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The Great Evening at the Wall

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew The Great Evening at the Wall Story Transcript: He: לאה הייתה ילדה צעירה, שרצתה לראות את הכותל המערבי בירושלים. En: Leah was a young girl who wanted to see the Western Wall in Jerusalem. He: היא לא הבנתה כמה משמעות יש במקום הזה, אבל רצתה להכיר את המקום הקדוש ביותר…

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Backpacking to Hidden Gems

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Backpacking to Hidden Gems Story Transcript: Vi: Có một ngày đẹp trời, tôi cùng một nhóm bạn quyết định đi phượt trên đường Đèo Hải Vân. En: One fine day, I and a group of friends decided to go backpacking on Hai Van Pass. Vi: Chúng tôi đã chuẩn bị…

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Treasure of Friendship: The Castillo del Morro Mystery

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Treasure of Friendship: The Castillo del Morro Mystery Story Transcript: Es: Una soleada tarde de verano, Sofía, Alejandro y sus amigos Emily y Tomás caminaban por el Castillo del Morro. En: One sunny summer afternoon, Sofía, Alejandro and their friends Emily and Tomás were walking through the Castillo del Morro.…

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