A Royal Adventure of Love

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish A Royal Adventure of Love Story Transcript: Pl: W świecie zamków i koron historia Jarosława i Zofii była historią młodej pary na skraju wielkiej przygody. En: In a world of castles and crowns, Jarosław and Zofia’s story was that of a young couple on the edge of a great adventure.…

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Discovering Magic in Ząbkowice Śląskie

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Discovering Magic in Ząbkowice Śląskie Story Transcript: Pl: Słońce świeciło jasno, gdy Karol i Patrycja wysiedli z samochodu i weszli do ich małej wioski Ząbkowice Śląskie. En: The sun shone brightly as Karol and Patrycja stepped out of the car and into their small village of Ząbkowice Śląskie. Pl: Byli…

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Saving the Sand Sculptures

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Saving the Sand Sculptures Story Transcript: Pl: Magdalena i Cezary słyszeli o słynnym festiwalu rzeźb z piasku w Łebie, więc postanowili wybrać się na wycieczkę, aby osobiście tego doświadczyć. En: Magdalena and Cezary had heard about the famous sand sculpture festival in Łeba, so they decided to take a road…

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Captivated by Poznań: Julian & Maria’s Epic Getaway

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Captivated by Poznań: Julian & Maria’s Epic Getaway Story Transcript: Pl: Julian i Maria byli bardzo podekscytowani weekendowym wypadem; planowali to od tygodni. En: Julian and Maria were so excited about their weekend getaway; they had planned it for weeks. Pl: Gdy tylko przyjechali do Poznania, wiedzieli, że to będzie…

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Restoring Joy in Lublin

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Restoring Joy in Lublin Story Transcript: Pl: Krzysztof i Monika nigdy wcześniej czegoś takiego nie widzieli. En: Krzysztof and Monika had never seen anything like it before. Pl: Rynek Główny w Lublinie był pełen ludzi, żywej mieszanki mieszkańców i przyjezdnych, cieszących się widokami, dźwiękami i zapachami miasta. En: The Main…

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Forever Magical: Zakopane’s Folk Festival

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Forever Magical: Zakopane’s Folk Festival Story Transcript: Pl: To była noc słynnego Festiwalu Folkloru w Zakopanem i całe miasto tętniło życiem. En: It was the night of the famous Folk Festival in Zakopane and the whole town was buzzing with excitement. Pl: Stanisław i Iga rozmawiali o tym od tygodni…

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Celebrating Gwangbokjeol: A Korean Independence Day Adventure.

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Celebrating Gwangbokjeol: A Korean Independence Day Adventure. Story Transcript: Ko: 윤호는 신이 났다. En: Youn-ho was so excited. Ko: 그는 1년 내내 광복절, 한국이 광복을 쟁취한 날을 기다렸습니다. En: He had waited all year for this day: Gwangbokjeol, the day Korea won its independence. Ko: 그는 세계 엑스포 축제에서 친구…

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Celebrating Heritage: Jin-seo’s Japchae

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Celebrating Heritage: Jin-seo’s Japchae Story Transcript: Ko: 진서는 서프라이즈를 좋아했다. En: Jin-seo loved a good surprise. Ko: 그는 항상 새롭고 흥미로운 일을 찾고 있었습니다. En: He was always looking for new and interesting things to do. Ko: 그래서 그가 그의 가족을 저녁 식사에 초대했을 때 그들이 예라고 대답했을 때 그는…

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Forever Friends: Hyesoo & Ji-hoon Reunited

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Forever Friends: Hyesoo & Ji-hoon Reunited Story Transcript: Ko: 혜수는 몇 달 동안 이 순간을 꿈꿔왔다. En: Hyesoo had been dreaming of this moment for months. Ko: 드디어 소꿉친구 지훈과 재회하게 된 것이다. En: She was finally going to reunite with her childhood best friend, Ji-hoon. Ko: 두 사람은 몇…

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Exploring Hanbok History

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Exploring Hanbok History Story Transcript: Ko: 지원과 기정은 창덕궁 근처에 있는 한복체험관 고문을 나서며 들뜬 마음을 감추지 못했다. En: Jiwon and Kijung could hardly contain their excitement as they stepped through the ancient door of the Hanbok Experience Center near the Changdeokgung Palace. Ko: 그들은 한복에 대한 이야기를 들었고 이…

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