The Fishcake Rivals of Lavik

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian The Fishcake Rivals of Lavik Story Transcript: Nb: Lukten av nystekte fiskekaker hang alltid i luften på den lille kafeen i Lavik. En: The smell of freshly baked fishcakes always hung in the air at the small cafe in Lavik. Nb: Det var kilden til mange heftige debatter mellom Sven…

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Skiing to Love: Kai & Magnus

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Skiing to Love: Kai & Magnus Story Transcript: Nb: Kai og Magnus hadde vært sammen gjennom sommeren, men de hadde aldri opplevd vinteren sammen. En: Kai and Magnus had been together through the summer, but they had never experienced the winter together. Nb: Da snøen begynte å samle seg i…

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Lifetime of Love: Sigrid & Elias

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Lifetime of Love: Sigrid & Elias Story Transcript: Nb: Sigrid hadde drømt om dette øyeblikket i et år. En: Sigrid had been dreaming of this moment for a year. Nb: Sammen med ektemannen Elias hadde hun endelig tatt turen til Lygna for å feire deres 10-årsjubileum – og for å…

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Uncovering Abel’s Tragic Brilliance

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Uncovering Abel’s Tragic Brilliance Story Transcript: Nb: Ingvild og Morten hadde alltid vært fascinert av fortidens historier. En: Ingvild and Morten had always been fascinated by the stories of the past. Nb: Ingvild og Morten hadde alltid vært fascinert av fortidens historier. En: Ingvild and Morten had always been fascinated…

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Kodlak Connection: Mina & Torbjørn

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Kodlak Connection: Mina & Torbjørn Story Transcript: Nb: Mina og Torbjørn var et usannsynlig par. En: Mina and Torbjørn were an unlikely pair. Nb: De hadde vokst opp på hver sin side av Tromsø og hadde aldri møtt hverandre før, men her sto de, side ved side i fiskeutstyret, klare…

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Exploring Akershus Fortress: A Magical Celebration

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Exploring Akershus Fortress: A Magical Celebration Story Transcript: Nb: En skarp høstdag sto Wilson og Tove i ærefrykt ved de ruvende steinveggene på Akershus festning. En: On a crisp autumn day, Wilson and Tove stood in awe at the towering stone walls of the Akershus Fortress. Nb: Like bortenfor den…

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Reidun & Roar’s Transformative Journey

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Reidun & Roar’s Transformative Journey Story Transcript: Nb: Reidun følte seg fortapt. En: Reidun was feeling lost. Nb: Etter at hun nylig var ferdig med college, var hun usikker på hva hun ville gjøre og slet med å finne mening med livet. En: Having recently finished college, she was unsure…

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Summer Adventure Awaits: Tomek and Basia

Fluent Fiction – Polish Summer Adventure Awaits: Tomek and Basia Story Transcript: Pl: To był idealny dzień na letnią przygodę. En: It was a perfect day for a summer adventure. Pl: Tomek i Basia pełni niecierpliwości opuszczali Gdańsk i jechali w stronę morza. En: Tomek and Basia were filled with anticipation as they left…

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Unexpected Companions, Unstoppable Victory

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Unexpected Companions, Unstoppable Victory Story Transcript: Nb: Gert og Liv var to usannsynlige følgesvenner, som til tross for ulikheter hadde en felles lidenskap: Viking Gilde-festivalen som arrangeres årlig i Sognefjorden. En: Gert and Liv were two unlikely companions, who, despite their differences, had a shared passion: the Viking Gilde Festival…

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A Lifetime of Adventure in Białowieża Forest

Fluent Fiction – Polish A Lifetime of Adventure in Białowieża Forest Story Transcript: Pl: Maja i Maciej nigdy wcześniej nie przeżyli czegoś takiego jak Puszcza Białowieska. En: Maja and Maciej had never experienced anything like the Białowieża Forest before. Pl: Maja i Maciej nigdy wcześniej nie przeżyli czegoś takiego jak Puszcza Białowieska. En: Maja…

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