The Daisy Crown’s Courage

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese The Daisy Crown’s Courage Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光明媚,鸟语花香,空气中弥漫着樱花的清香。 En: The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of cherry blossoms. Zh: 这是郑家在台湾乡村野餐的完美日子。 En: It was the perfect day for a picnic in the Taiwanese countryside for the Cheng family. Zh:…

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Go for Grandeur: A Beijing Night

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Go for Grandeur: A Beijing Night Story Transcript: Zh: 北京郊外,夜空中繁星点点,柔和的灯光照亮了爷爷奶奶国龙和余正和心爱的孙女岳琳下围棋的小院。 En: On the outskirts of Beijing, the stars shone brightly in the night sky, casting a soft light on the small courtyard where the grandparents Guo-Long and Yu were playing a game of Go with their beloved granddaughter…

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Forever Love: Bo and Chi’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Forever Love: Bo and Chi’s Journey Story Transcript: Zh: 霓虹灯照亮了夜晚的香港街头,Bo和Chi手牵着手走着,回味着他们共同生活带来的欢乐和悲伤。 En: The neon lights illuminated the streets of Hong Kong at night, and Bo and Chi walked hand in hand, reflecting on the joy and sadness their life together had brought. Zh: Bo 和 Chi 在十八岁那年在大学里相识。 En: Bo…

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Unwavering Love: A Family’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Unwavering Love: A Family’s Journey Story Transcript: Zh: 这是一次与众不同的庆祝活动。 En: It was a celebration unlike any other. Zh: 在深圳的家里,玉兰和郭这对新婚夫妇和他们的女儿小娟一起度过了一个喜庆的结婚纪念日。 En: Inside the Shenzhen family home, Yulan and Guo, a newlywed couple, were joined by their daughter, Xiao-Juan, for a festive wedding anniversary. Zh: 空气中充满了欢乐、音乐和笑声。 En: The air was…

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Bubble Tea & Bravery: Mei-Yin & Qiu’s Chinatown Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Bubble Tea & Bravery: Mei-Yin & Qiu’s Chinatown Adventure Story Transcript: Zh: 当美茵和邱漫步在旧金山唐人街狭窄、繁华的街道上时,她们知道她们会发现一些特别的东西。 En: As Mei-Yin and Qiu strolled the narrow, bustling streets of San Francisco's Chinatown, they knew they would find something special. Zh: 从他们很小的时候起,他们就停下来喝奶茶和聊天,这一直是一个传统。 En: It had been a tradition ever since they were little to…

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Two Cultures, One Love

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Two Cultures, One Love Story Transcript: Zh: “两家齐聚,千丝万缕”这句古话在双人和丽影筹备婚礼的过程中不断回荡。 En: The old saying "When two families come together, a thousand threads are tied" echoed in the minds of Shuang and Liying as they prepared for their wedding. Zh: 在四川的一个小村庄里,这对新婚夫妇正在学习平衡各自的家庭习俗和欲望。 En: In a small village in Sichuan, the newly married…

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Guangzhou Tales: A Friendship’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Guangzhou Tales: A Friendship’s Journey Story Transcript: Zh: 城市明亮的灯光像夜空中的星星一样闪耀。 En: The bright lights of the city shone like stars in the night sky. Zh: 成群结队的人挤满了广州的大街小巷,渴望开拓当地市场。 En: Crowds of people filled the streets of Guangzhou, eager to explore the local market. Zh: 杰和池浪在熙熙攘攘的人群中穿行,讲述着各自的童年故事。 En: As Jie and Chilang navigated…

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Staying Home: A Family’s Joyous Holiday

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Staying Home: A Family’s Joyous Holiday Story Transcript: Zh: 台北市的灯火已经开始暗淡下来,黄家在台湾郊外度过了一个欢乐的假期。 En: The bright lights of the city of Taipei had already begun to dim as the Huang family celebrated their joyous holiday on the outskirts of Taiwan. Zh: 明和黄,他们的两个孩子健和欣,还有他们的大家庭和朋友,让小农场充满了欢声笑语。 En: Ming and Huang, their two children Jian and…

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Dreaming in Amsterdam

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Dreaming in Amsterdam Story Transcript: Nl: Jill en Linus waren al weken bezig met het plannen van hun droomdate. En: Jill and Linus had been planning their dream date for weeks. Nl: Als verrassing voor Jill had Linus een romantische trip geboekt naar Amsterdam, een stad die bekend staat om…

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Exploring Utrecht: A Friendship Renewed

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Exploring Utrecht: A Friendship Renewed Story Transcript: Nl: Gijs en Fenna waren al vanaf hun kindertijd bevriend. En: Gijs and Fenna had been friends since they were children. Nl: Ze groeiden op in een klein Nederlands dorp en waren experts geworden in de eindeloze achterafwegen en verborgen paden van het…

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