Revolutionizing Modern Finance: Berta’s Story

Fluent Fiction – German Revolutionizing Modern Finance: Berta’s Story Story Transcript: De: Jeden Morgen schlurfen Tausende von Menschen in Zürich zu ihren langweiligen 9-5-Jobs, ohne zu ahnen, dass jemand unter ihnen die Welt der modernen Finanzen revolutionieren würde. En: Every morning, thousands of people in Zurich shuffle off to their boring 9-5 jobs, never…

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Bonds of Friendship: Reflections on a Summer Evening

Fluent Fiction – Korean Bonds of Friendship: Reflections on a Summer Evening Story Transcript: Ko: 여름 저녁이었고 모든 것이 여전히 한강 둑에 있었습니다. En: It was a summer evening, and all was still on the banks of the Han River. Ko: 잔잔한 강둑은 과거를 반성하고 미래를 설계하기 위해 찾아온 세 친구에게 비밀을 속삭이는 듯했다.…

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Gerhard’s Generous Gathering

Fluent Fiction – German Gerhard’s Generous Gathering Story Transcript: De: Gerhard war ein exzentrischer Kerl. En: Gerhard was an eccentric fellow. De: Er winkte all seinen Nachbarn zu, rief “Guten Tag!” En: He waved to all his neighbors, yelled out “Guten Tag!” De: als er die Straße entlang ging, und trug leuchtend gelbe und…

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The Perfect Picnic Under the Stars

Fluent Fiction – Korean The Perfect Picnic Under the Stars Story Transcript: Ko: 희진, 말동, 남희는 해가 저물어가는 모습을 바라보며 서울 올림픽공원으로 소풍을 갈 절호의 기회임을 직감했다. En: As Heejin, Mal Dong and Namhee watched the sun dip past the horizon, they knew that it was the perfect opportunity to have a picnic in…

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Winter Hideaway: Uncovering Seoul’s Secret Café

Fluent Fiction – Korean Winter Hideaway: Uncovering Seoul’s Secret Café Story Transcript: Ko: 쌀쌀한 서울의 겨울 아침, 진찬은 온라인에서 소문을 듣고 숨은 카페를 찾기로 했다. En: It was a crisp winter morning in Seoul, and Jinchan was determined to find the hidden café he heard about online. Ko: 그는 여행 블로그에서 그것에 대해 읽었고…

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A Bonfire for Life: Ji Eun, Yuna, and Jaewoo

Fluent Fiction – Korean A Bonfire for Life: Ji Eun, Yuna, and Jaewoo Story Transcript: Ko: 태양이 지평선으로 영광스럽게 내려오면서 파도가 해안에 부딪치고 있었고, 하늘은 아름다운 파랑색과 오렌지색으로 물들었습니다. En: The waves were crashing against the shore as the sun made its glorious descent into the horizon, painting the sky in a beautiful array…

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Finding Solace in Osaka

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Finding Solace in Osaka Story Transcript: Ja: 陽子が大阪で大家族に会ったのは久しぶりだった。 En: It had been a long time since Yoko had last seen her extended family in Osaka. Ja: 育った彼女は、都会の喧騒と親戚の温かいもてなしの話を聞いただけでした。 En: Growing up, she had only heard stories of the hustle and bustle of the city and of the warm hospitality of her…

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Little Tokyo Memories: A Journey Home

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Little Tokyo Memories: A Journey Home Story Transcript: Ja: それは和也と千代が待ち望んでいた夏だった。 En: It was the summer Kazuya and Chiyo had been waiting for. Ja: 何ヶ月も待った後、待望の休暇がやってきました。 En: After months of anticipation, their long-awaited vacation had arrived. Ja: 2 人の兄弟の目的地は、遠く離れたロサンゼルスの街、特にリトル東京地区でした。 En: For the two siblings, their destination was the far away city of…

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Anniversary in Shanghai: A Culinary Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Anniversary in Shanghai: A Culinary Journey Story Transcript: Zh: 贾和夏走过上海繁华的街道时,他们正在寻找一家完美的餐厅来庆祝他们的周年纪念日。 En: As Jia and Xia walked through the bustling streets of Shanghai, they were searching for the perfect restaurant to celebrate their anniversary. Zh: 他们所到之处,这座城市都洋溢着温暖和活力。 En: Everywhere they looked, the city glowed with warmth and energy. Zh: 似乎整个城市都充满了可能性。…

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Grandma Mei-Ling’s Wisdom: A Taipei Tale

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Grandma Mei-Ling’s Wisdom: A Taipei Tale Story Transcript: Zh: 余听过台北繁华都市的故事,很高兴能和他生命中最重要的人——他的祖母美玲一起去探索它。 En: Yu had heard tales of the bustling metropolis of Taipei and was excited to explore it with the most important person in his life – his grandmother Mei-Ling. Zh: 这是一个阳光明媚的日子,空气中弥漫着街头小贩的食物香气。 En: It was a sunny day and…

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