Family Reunited: Arròs Negre

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Family Reunited: Arròs Negre Story Transcript: Ca: Feia molt de temps que la família Alvarez no cuinava un àpat junts a casa seva de Sitges, Catalunya. En: It had been a long time since the Alvarez family had cooked a meal together in their home in Sitges, Catalunya. Ca: Feia…

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Treasured Family Flavors: Shanghai-Style Steamed Fish

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Treasured Family Flavors: Shanghai-Style Steamed Fish Story Transcript: Zh: 感受着厨房的温馨,爱书、依依和爸爸妈妈迫不及待地准备了自己最爱吃的家庭餐。 En: Feeling the warmth of the kitchen, Aishu, Yiyi, and their parents were excited to make their favorite family meal. Zh: 海派清蒸鱼的香味已经弥漫在他们家。 En: The smell of the Shanghai-style steamed fish was already filling their home. Zh: 爱书和依依的父母准备了一上午的饭菜。 En:…

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A Bouillabaisse of Memories

Link to full transcript at Fluent Fiction – French A Bouillabaisse of Memories Story Transcript: Fr: C’était le dimanche avant Pâques et une odeur d’herbes et d’épices flottait dans la maison. En: It was the Sunday before Easter and the smell of herbs and spices wafted through the house. Fr: La famille de…

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A Bouillabaisse of Memories

Link to full transcript at Link to full transcript at Fluent Fiction – French A Bouillabaisse of Memories Story Transcript: Fr: C’était le dimanche avant Pâques et une odeur d’herbes et d’épices flottait dans la maison. En: It was the Sunday before Easter and the smell of herbs and spices wafted through…

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A Bouillabaisse of Memories

Link to full transcript at Fluent Fiction – French A Bouillabaisse of Memories Story Transcript: Fr: C’était le dimanche avant Pâques et une odeur d’herbes et d’épices flottait dans la maison. En: It was the Sunday before Easter and the smell of herbs and spices wafted through the house. Fr: La famille de…

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A Bouillabaisse of Memories

Fluent Fiction – French A Bouillabaisse of Memories Story Transcript: Fr: C’était le dimanche avant Pâques et une odeur d’herbes et d’épices flottait dans la maison. En: It was the Sunday before Easter and the smell of herbs and spices wafted through the house. Fr: La famille de quatre personnes s’était réunie dans la…

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