Yumi’s Tea Ceremony Journey

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Yumi’s Tea Ceremony Journey Story Transcript: Ja: 由美は遠く離れた山寺で行われる美しい茶道の話を聞いていて、自分で茶道を体験したいとずっと思っていました。 En: Yumi had heard stories of the beautiful tea ceremony performed in the remote mountain temple, and she had always wished to experience it for herself. Ja: いよいよ、その日がやってきました。 En: Now, at last, the day had come. Ja: ユミと彼女の家族は、これからの旅への興奮に満ちて、早く目が覚めました。 En: Yumi and her…

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Giovanni and the Lost Befana

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Giovanni and the Lost Befana Story Transcript: It: La notte prima della festa dell'Epifania, la Befana si perde nei vicoli tortuosi di Venezia, alla disperata ricerca dei bambini per consegnare i suoi doni. En: The night before the Feast of the Epiphany, the Befana is lost in the winding streets…

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Arepas de Choclo: A Family’s Love Story

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Arepas de Choclo: A Family’s Love Story Story Transcript: Es: El aroma de la comida recién cocinada llenó la casa mientras la familia se reunía alrededor de la mesa. En: The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the home as the family gathered around the dinner table. Es: El aroma…

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Forever Italian Joy: A Family Meal

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Forever Italian Joy: A Family Meal Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore di Firenze, in Toscana, una famiglia si riunisce in cucina per preparare un pasto tradizionale italiano. En: In the heart of Florence, Tuscany, a family gathers in the kitchen to prepare a traditional Italian meal. It: Mentre l’odore di…

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Norwegian Family Traditions: A Meal to Remember

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Norwegian Family Traditions: A Meal to Remember Story Transcript: Nb: Lukten av nybakt flatbrød gjennomsyret kjøkkenet til familien Haltvig i Bergen. En: The smell of freshly-baked flatbrød permeated the kitchen of the Haltvig family home in Bergen, Norway. Nb: Inge, broren Magnus og foreldrene deres, Gunnhild og Ivar, jobbet alle…

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Generations of Tradition: The Bauer Family Meal

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Generations of Tradition: The Bauer Family Meal Story Transcript: De: Es war eine Familientradition, dass die Familie Bauer jedes Jahr am Jahrestag des Umzugs ihrer Familie nach Leipzig ein besonderes Essen zubereitete. En: It was a family tradition for the Bauer family to make a special meal each year, on…

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The Uniting Oden: A Family Story

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese The Uniting Oden: A Family Story Story Transcript: Ja: 和也はこれほど美しい光景を見たことがなかった。 En: Kazuya had never seen such a beautiful sight. Ja: 家族が一緒に台所で働いているのを見て、彼の顔の笑顔は、彼が満足していることをすべての人に伝えました。 En: As he watched his family work together in the kitchen, the smile on his face told all who saw him that he was content. Ja: 調理中の伝統的な和食の豊かな香りが、空気を暖かさと興奮で満たしました。 En: The…

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A Dutch Feast of Love

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch A Dutch Feast of Love Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een koude dag in Utrecht, Nederland, en de geur van kruiden hing in de lucht. En: It was a cold day in Utrecht, Netherlands, and the smell of spices was in the air. Nl: Anika en Henrik waren een oer-Hollandse…

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Kraków Cooking: A Polish Family’s Memory

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Kraków Cooking: A Polish Family’s Memory Story Transcript: Pl: Kazimierz i jego rodzina zawsze marzyli o wspólnym gotowaniu tradycyjnego polskiego posiłku. En: Kazimierz and his family had always dreamed about cooking a traditional Polish meal together. Pl: Nigdy nie wyobrażali sobie, że ten posiłek odbędzie się w tętniącym życiem Krakowie,…

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The Kim Family’s Traditional Feast

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean The Kim Family’s Traditional Feast Story Transcript: Ko: 대대로 김씨 일가가 준비하고 나누어온 전통음식의 밤이었다. En: It was the night of the traditional meal that had been prepared and shared by the Kim family for generations. Ko: 한국 부산은 그들의 집이었고 식사의 향기는 익숙하고 위안이 되었습니다. En: Busan, South Korea…

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