Pusan: A Life-Changing Journey

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Pusan: A Life-Changing Journey Story Transcript: Ko: 항상 어머니의 고향을 방문하고 싶었던 소은이는 이제 대한민국 부산의 심장부인 이곳에 왔습니다. En: So-eun had always wanted to visit her mother’s hometown and now here she was: in the heart of Pusan, South Korea. Ko: 소은은 드디어 부산에 왔다는 사실이 믿기지 않았다. En:…

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Jejudo’s Magic: A Journey of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Jejudo’s Magic: A Journey of Discovery Story Transcript: Ko: 제주도로 가는 나룻배는 이기에게 모험심을 불러일으켰다. En: The ferry to Jejudo Island stirred a sense of adventure in Sang-ki. Ko: 그는 섬이 제공하는 경이로운 광경에 대해 들었고 한국 문학과 문화에 대한 지식을 조카와 공유하게 되어 기뻤습니다. En: He had heard of…

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Illuminating Community: Lotus Lantern Festival

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Illuminating Community: Lotus Lantern Festival Story Transcript: Ko: 특별한 날인 연등축제를 위해 일찍 일어난 해윤과 서진! En: Haeyoon and Seojin woke up extra early for a special day – the Lotus Lantern Festival! Ko: 서울에서 온 30대 두 사람은 석가탄신일을 맞아 들떠 있었다. En: They were both from Seoul and…

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Finding Peace at Haein-sa

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Finding Peace at Haein-sa Story Transcript: Ko: 은애는 오랫동안 무언가를 찾고 있었다. En: Eun-ae had been searching for something for a long time. Ko: 그녀는 자신의 삶에 일종의 연결과 평화가 부족하다고 느꼈습니다. En: She felt like her life had been lacking some kind of connection and peace. Ko: 그러나 그녀는…

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Nana’s Kamakura Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Nana’s Kamakura Adventure Story Transcript: Ja: シロは、祖母がこんなに興奮しているのを見たことがありませんでした。 En: Shiro had never seen his grandmother so excited. Ja: ナナはずっと東京に住んでいましたが、鎌倉には行ったことがありませんでした。 En: Nana had lived in Tokyo all her life, but had never been to Kamakura. Ja: 古都を駆け抜けるシロの興奮は、ナナの興奮と同じだった。 En: As they drove through the ancient city, Shiro's excitement matched Nana's. Ja: 彼は、訪問する予定だったすべての史跡を彼女に見せるのが待ちきれませんでした。 En:…

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The Warmth of Love: Kuniko and Akio

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese The Warmth of Love: Kuniko and Akio Story Transcript: Ja: 暗く肌寒い白川の夜、雪が積もった窓ガラスから月の光が差し込んでいた。 En: It was a dark and chilly night in Shirakawa, and the light of the moon shone through the snow-covered windowpane. Ja: 国子と昭夫は台所で並んで立ち、湯気の立った鍋をかき混ぜていた。 En: Kuniko and Akio were in the kitchen, standing side by side, stirring a steaming pot…

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The Sacred Journey to Miyajima

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese The Sacred Journey to Miyajima Story Transcript: Ja: ヒロは胸に違和感を覚えた。 En: Hiro had a strange feeling in his chest. Ja: 彼は、地元の神社に敬意を払うために宮島への巡礼に彼の 2 人の子供を連れて行く時が来たことを知っていました. En: He knew it was time to take his two children on a pilgrimage to Miyajima island to pay respects to the local shrine. Ja: 子供たちを神聖な神社に連れて行くことを考えると、ヒロは少し緊張しました。 En: The…

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Uniting Through Obon: Kiko’s Dance Festival

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Uniting Through Obon: Kiko’s Dance Festival Story Transcript: Ja: 紀子はお盆踊りが大好きでした。 En: Kiko loved the Obon Dance Festival. Ja: 毎年夏になると、彼女と友達は広島に集まり、伝統的な夏祭りを祝いました。 En: Every summer, she and her friends would gather in Hiroshima to celebrate the traditional summer festival. Ja: 彼女はそれが特別なものになることを知っていたので、キコは彼らとその経験を共有するのが待ちきれませんでした. En: Kiko couldn't wait to share the experience with them, as she…

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Unforgettable Day at Yatai Market

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Unforgettable Day at Yatai Market Story Transcript: Ja: 賑やかな福岡の屋台市場に立つダイキは、少し興奮し、少し緊張していました。 En: Daiki was a little bit excited and a little bit nervous as he stood in the busy Yatai market in Fukuoka. Ja: 彼はそれについて長い間聞いていましたが、ついに両親と一緒にここに来ました。 En: He had heard about it for so long, and he was finally here with his parents.…

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Cherished Blossoms, Precious Time

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Cherished Blossoms, Precious Time Story Transcript: Ja: 理沙は、桜の花びらが雪のように木から落ちてくるのを見て、見たことのない美しさに魅了され、畏敬の念を抱きました。 En: Risa watched the cherry blossom petals drift down from the tree like snowflakes, mesmerized and in awe of the beauty she had never seen before. Ja: リサと彼女の家族は、春の桜まつりを体験するために高山の町に向かう途中でした。 En: Risa and her family were on their way to the town of Takayama…

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